Déjà vu in French means,
“already seen.”
Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s Definition of déjà vu:
1 a :the
illusion of remembering scenes and events when experienced for the first time
b :a
feeling that one has seen or heard something before
Have you experienced déjà vu?
For those of you who have
ever ‘felt’ strangely familiar with an unfamiliar scene in your life more than
once or twice, you may understand what it is like to experience déjà vu.
However, if you have
experienced this ten or more times, you may have concluded there are reasons
for having the experience beyond the experience itself.
Psychologists, therapists,
and neuroscientists have referred to this as ‘source memory’ or cryptomnesia.
Some philosophers, astrophysicists,
and metaphysical healers who have looked into the cosmos, believe this is a
form of ‘time travel.’
Hypnotists, and many Eastern
spiritualists believe in past life soul contracts repeating in lifetimes.
Most people may look at déjà
vu as coincidences.
Others who understand it’s
not just a coincidence, may describe these scenarios as ‘surreal events.’
If the event is dream-like,
these surreal events can be ethereal.
If they are haunting, some
may think it is a karmic debt event.
Some mediums and empaths
believe in all of the above as a cohesive combination for one giant recipe of
Universal life lessons put in a Vitamix of cosmic proportions depending on what
is happening.
Where do you stand on all of the above?
Perhaps it all depends on how
many times you’ve actually experienced déjà vu, physically, mentally,
emotionally, and spiritually as, it does vary for everyone. It also depends on how many times these
‘flashes’ have happened and the level at which YOU are plugged into the
energies of The Universe.
What if I were to tell you that regardless of how you
choose to categorize déjà vu, that it can actually be an alliance tool for you
to use in your life?
What? YES.
It’s not something to be
freaked out about, but rather tap into your gifts (yes, everyone has them to
some degree) that you have to follow your own vibration of inner guidance.
My job as a life coach is to
bring your mind-body awareness to the key fact that if it is happening, it is designed
to help you understand there are reasons you are experiencing déjà vu.
The big question is,
“Why have you returned here?”
How can we use this to help
you along your journey RIGHT NOW?
Similar to ‘life lessons’
delivered by The Universe, when we don’t get lessons the first time, things
come back around again to tap you on the shoulder to nudge you to become aware
of what messages are being sent your way.
When you experience déjà vu,
sometimes the familiarity in a new situation can symbolize old energy and new
energy merging, with the ‘wake-up call’ to get your attention. As this happens,
you may simply just hold your breath at that very instant to try to digest what
is going on or not actually happening as movement in your own journey.
Yes, this is a good
move! Be present to pay attention to SEE
what is happening.
Also be aware of what you are
If you are being brought back
to an old place repeatedly, perhaps there are loose ends of emotional baggage
you need to address and confront in your mind, in order to ‘let it go.’
Sometimes déjà vu transport can
also mean that you are returning to familiar ground to comfort other
disturbances going on around you, and this ‘familiar place’ is where you
re-center and stabilize to find clarity.
Another potential purpose is for you to create NEW energy. If you have specific desired results you’d like to manifest (which are not happening), but keep ‘returning’ to the old familiar energy, you could be asked to try something different for a different result in order to avoid returning to the same place.
There is another purpose for
déjà vu… you could be seeing your own life purpose within the flash back. If
you are a believer of past soul contracts of unfinished business, déjà vu could
be reminding you of what needs to be corrected in this lifetime to clear this
from your pathway.
Regardless, déjà vu is
purposeful for reflection for action for your highest good.
If you are self-aware, you
may understand the logistics and sequence enough to know you are being shown a
direction or a matter requiring your cognizant awareness where you need to
process the event to take an appropriate sense-making response.
If you get stuck in the
crossroads of your experience, you may either blow off the event as something
‘weird’ or choose to not understand it… that is until it comes back around in
your world again.
Premonitions take on a new
kind of energy.
But are they related to the
same thing?
Because I happen to be of the
Vitamix mindset when it comes to all of the above, because I’ve seen things
that cannot be unseen, and have experienced things that will take fifty plus
blogs to actually get into to explain – I say YES. I’ve tried to “humanize” most of this in
pedestrian utilitarian language through my blogs in August and September of
this year, that cannot begin to scratch the surface of explaining why
Linkronicity – Where Your Journey & Destiny Link™ exists in a unique way that expands beyond my
intuitive empath lightworker abilities.
For that reason alone (plus
there are not enough words in Merriam-Webster), déjà vu is merely a blip of a
description and premonition is related – however, not in the context you may
Our destiny is evolving every
second, this is why it is not necessarily a destination, but merely a fusion
within your own journey as it is happening. So if life events are happening for
you to LINK back to in order to make sense of your journey, couldn’t we agree
to say The Universe gave you a sampling of a premonition for your life purpose,
leading you toward your destiny?
Hmm… perhaps the premonition and
déjà vu have a three hundred sixty degree effect within your life for you to
understand your life as it is happening right now.
From here it is leading you
back to the core of why you are here so you can stop being dizzy with a direct
road, but rather a circular motion to send you in momentum into the
stratosphere of your life’s bigger picture!
Will it go round in circles or will it fly high like a bird up in the sky to take you to new heights? The choice is if you apply déjà vu in a productive way for you to get the most out of living your life.