Saturday, November 28, 2015


Friday and Saturday nights, Sunday family dinner, the holidays, girls' or guys' night out, date night, birthdays, anniversaries, wedding/baby showers, reunions, after work Happy Hour, parties … everything in life revolves around FOOD.
For the busy working class, we look at all of the above opportunities to eat as a way to have meals that we normally do not have time to during the crazy work week.  We usually eat quickly as we watch the clock, others eat at their desks and some eat in their car while on the way to doing more.
As we take a step back and examine at how we treat our bodies we gain insight to the LINK that resides within us – and that LINK is emotional connection to food.
Here are the following ways that we look at food:

  • Sustenance

  • Reward

  • Celebration

  • Security and Comfort

  • Conversation and Connection

  • Friendship

  • Wound numbing

  • Community and Commonalities for Inclusion

  • Belonging

  • Sharing

  • Therapy

  • Punishment

Food has a lot of responsibility in our lives.  For everyone, it is more than just sustenance and nourishment for the body. 

How many of the above LINKS can you see that are healthy vs. unhealthy? 

Can you pick them out? 

How do you use food?  

Are you guilty of using food in an unhealthy way? 

You are if you are human... last I checked, everyone reading this right now is that (at least on most days, maybe not Mondays though).  ;)  

Utilizing good as a ‘coping mechanism’ for too long without addressing your other issues can lead to disaster where your body, mind, soul and spirit will crash into a place of pure destruction.

Everyone at some point has done this... E V E R Y O N E.

And for those who say "Nope, not me... I have willpower."

If you do, then you have this won.

But for the rest of the world...

You can have the greatest diet and discipline in the world, but sometimes even social graces have to be met.  Sometimes no matter how tight your emotional boundaries are set for yourself, at one point you give into your grandmother or mother who says "Ah, just one more bite," or you may feel that 'breaking bread' with colleagues is essential to team building and so forth.

It happens. Even if you have limiting dietary restrictions, it happens... over indulgence, particularly if food represents the mood or the moment of whatever is going on within the festivities.

However, until we understand these LINKS, our relationship with food can be an unhealthy one if we are utilizing it in the wrong ways.  What starts out as health and well-being to live can turn into a dependency that is destructive, particularly when it comes to the over-indulging and dieting merry-go-round cycles of life.

Life was not meant to be designed for this cyclical madness and food did not originate to become all of the things that humans have turned it into. 

Food is meant to sustain, maintain, nourish, and heal – but only in the way of the fully bringing the human body to optimum health, NOT as a crutch, distraction or dependency for other LINKS that are meant to be addressed.

Dieting can be a punishment as much as eating.  It shows up in a reprimanding way for the deeds that have already been done.  No one likes to be punished, which is why 90% of all dieting fails.
The psychological LINK of “Ooh, I’m going to be bad and eat a hot fudge sundae, then diet for the next few weeks putting my body in starvation mode to make up for my behavior” is not a good mind training or body training either.


Your relationship with this kind of behavior is a LINK you can change.  Your previous conditioning has a lot to do with LEARNING SELF-DESTRUCTION as a behavior from the beginning of your life.  

This education is NOT to point fingers of blame on your parents and how you were raised, but rather to give you insight as to how these behaviors were FORMED.   Guess what? You can CHANGE THAT LINK!   You no longer have to look at food and dieting the way you were trained to from the beginning.

Your LINK to food and dieting starts with examining WHY you choose to put yourself through the torture and contortion cycle to begin with.

To further understand you reasoning for doing what you do, you need to look at how you were trained to LINK to food from your childhood - for real.. THINK BACK and take a look.

If you were given a cookie “because you were a good boy or good girl” or cleaned your room, you were automatically LINKING food to the idea of reward.

This is no different than how dogs or performance animals are trained.  You were trained to respond to food from a place of ‘doing something’ for it.

When you begin to UNLINK yourself from the idea that food is a reward, you start to see shifts in your health – not just in your body, but from your mind connection that food is a prize for ‘being good.’  

How about ‘being good’ because ‘being good’ makes YOU FEEL GOOD or OTHERS FEEL GOOD and not because you get a cookie when you’re done?  

Suddenly this shift in itself turns into a new way of looking at and LINKING to food. 

Dieting LINKS in your psyche function similarly.  If you were a trained as a child that you could not eat dessert until you ate your vegetables, you are being trained to think about food the same way.  
In other words, it is REVERSE mind training.  You are being told vegetables are like homework, something you have to get through.  Dessert becomes the goal you wish to attain for being good.  
Ultimately, you are being told in the dieting world that if you behave and adhere yourself to the healthy diet, you GET to have dessert.

If you were told instead if you ate your vegetables, you get to grow up to be big and strong and smart and you’d have fuel to run faster in P.E., your psychological conditioning would be a lot different.   The reward here is being healthy and strong and optimizing your physical performance and enhancing your ability as a human.  It does not ‘depend’ up on the ‘dessert’ prize.

As adults we are reminded of this mind training through work. 

When you see a homeless person on the street holding a sign that says “WILL WORK FOR FOOD” – you are being reminded once again that you ‘have to do something in order to eat.’ 

Suddenly, the psychological training begins to shift to SUCCESS at work because you don’t want to ever be that person who is not be able to eat. 

What happens then, is you work harder to eat better and the reward for working harder is to eat healthy, organic, higher-end foods instead of GMO, processed, unhealthy choices.

The mind shifts to GREED and then OVEREATING once again – because you consume more so that you don’t have to be punished with the thought of holding a sign hoping for a scrap consuming something that makes your body sick, unhealthy and then have to diet….

If you are stressed, you are carrying what is known as 'WARRIOR WEIGHT'... where you are shielding your body (literally) with extra pounds from the internal and emotional psyche wounds. You believe 'food' is your medicine, only most of the food you are eating is not it is usually "reward" food .... which is usually sinful and toxic. 

Therefore, what happens then – is you have to diet anyway, because you’re automatically overcompensating to ‘avoid’ the other way of being that you don’t want.

Once humans start to understand the LINKS in their lifeline to their relationship with food and dieting, a shift can happen.  This really isn’t about food and it really isn’t about dieting.


Yes, it’s true. The LINK is all behavioral conditioning.  

Can you change this LINK?

YES.  But up until now, you’ve been doing it all wrong.  That’s right – I said it.  Read that again.
You’ve been doing it wrong. 

Address the internal issues to how you label your connection with food and dieting and what it means to you.  Start to examine WHY you depend on it the way you do and HOW you think about it.  

HERE'S HOW... LET'S START BY LOSING 20 LBS... from your mind, heart and soul: 
Start with the LINK OF Forgiveness: 

When you begin to realize that you’ve unknowingly applied your ‘mind-trained’ ideas from childhood to how you view it today and have a relationship with it, you will begin a new pathway of having control over your lifestyle choices.  From here you will begin to honor the place from where you sit with food and dieting and look at it from an entirely new and healthier perspective. 

It is with this LINK comprehension, you can change your life and choose to UNLINK your unhealthy applications to what food and dieting really are. 


Thursday, November 19, 2015


The harvest, the bounty… ABUNDANCE is within you ALL YEAR LONG.

Did you know that?  

So the question is… WHY are humans obsessed with ‘needing more?’ 

Answer:  They haven’t bothered to examine their LINKS of ABUNDANCE they already have.
It is all there.  Everything you need in your life you are seeking is already there. 

So what is it that you are seeking… REALLY?

You were born with everything you ‘need’ WITHIN.

But first, you have to look inside of yourself to see it. 

Herein lies the issue of ‘wanting’ more to fill voids as a form of trying to compensate for what you think you are seeking.  The truth is that materialism is a mask and cover-up for what's going on inside of you that you have not addressed.

Ouch.  Yes, that hurts. However, it is the root to the truth of why there is a need to continue to seek abundance elsewhere rather than your own backyard of it being in your core of your existence as a human soul on this Earth.

Think about that.

Void filling is pointless because you will always feel ‘lack’ and like you are missing something because of not appreciating what is already there, expressing gratitude for what you already have and examining the fact that ABUNDANCE IS ALREADY LINKED TO YOU.

Click and Watch....................................

That’s right – ABUNDANCE IS LINKED TO YOU within your own chain of your lifeline.

Every single day of your life, you have ‘gathered.’ 

  • Experience

  • Life lessons

  • Tools

  • Information

  • Education

Also along the way you have ‘gathered’ …

  • Friendship

  • Support

  • Laughter

  • Love

  • Moments

  • Memories

  • Understanding

With all of that you’ve gathered something else…


Don’t underestimate the power of your own personal life. YOUR LIFE is meant to be YOUR JOURNEY.  You are not to emulate others because YOU ARE NOT THEM – YOU ARE YOU.

You were born as a unique individual. 

There is no one else like you.

When you choose to ‘copy’ – you are being dishonest with yourself.  

You are spitting in the face of the Universe when you dishonor your own individuality, because you are continuing to DENY your true self inside your mind and heart of being ACCEPTING of yourself. 

TRUST that you were created for the sole purpose to offer the world what is unique to who you are. You are special because YOU'RE YOU.  No one else can be YOU.

EVERYONE has their own talents and gifts. EVERYONE.  It is more than just skills, sportsmanship, community, organizing, and artistic - your consciousness, your compassion - it all matters.

What you choose to represent as a voice and as an activist fighting for the rights of humans (children, elderly, disabled, diversity) or animals or the environment/planet or assisting those in your own community, your own state or country and other countries or being the voice for disease prevention, cure-finding, safety, justice and the list goes on --- you have a place to make a difference with your own ABUNDANCE.

Think about that.  If every single person on this planet tapped into their own abundance what that would mean for our world.   

Your personal LIFE LINK to DOING SOMETHING is within you.  Your abundance and purpose is part of you and every fiber of your being.

At the end of the day - This boils down to self-love, self-worth, self-acceptance, self-respect. Without it - it's challenging to SEE the abundance to do anything with.


These are the four ingredients which are essential to LINK TO YOUR OWN LIFELINE in order for your journey to unfold into its destiny of WHY you are here.

The longer you deny yourself, you push away who you are supposed to be.

The ABUNDANCE within you is there if you just unlock it from your being.

The ABUNDANCE of what you think you need or want outside of you is inside of where you live.
Once you begin the process to deeper comprehension of the fact that YOU ARE ALREADY ENOUGH – you will start to see that ABUNDANCE is your companion from Day One.

How is it possible human psyche traveled so far away from this TRUTH?

How is it possible that you started to believe you didn’t have enough or weren’t enough or that your mission was to ‘have more’ when you already have what it is you need? 

Trusting in the process of being where you are and creating what you can with what you have and being resourceful from the place of internal being is the place that can be cultivated with eternal gratitude. 

We already discussed what the LINK of GRATITUDE is… 

What we can further gather in our LINK of ABUNDANCE is to see that if we live life from the place of knowing that we are where we are supposed to be at this moment within our journey and we can be thankful for knowing we are here, the ABUNDANCE will continue to expand.

As our own awareness expands into higher levels of consciousness, we can live from a place of KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING ourselves better.  We then as humans become responsible for every single thing we ‘think’ we need or ‘think’ we want and then we no longer have any need or want to gather anymore.  We already ‘become’ this in our acknowledgment from WITHIN.  

Living from this state of our psyche and emotional core center, gives us BALANCE.  When we are balanced, we no longer live with the intention of requiring anything.  Watch and see that your own need for greed will start to dissipate.

When this actually happens and you are living from the place of your true self, nothing else matters in ‘needing’ or ‘wanting’ – everything just is.  When everyday life is lived from the place of where everything is, we are simply BEING.  

BEING then becomes part of who we are without any desire to be DOING in terms of having to ‘gather’ abundance as it is already part of who we are and we live gratefully with full appreciation of this KNOWING we are already ABUNDANT.
