Thursday, October 15, 2015


Flashbacks exist within your life. But have you ever stopped in your tracks to note how they can be tools to help you with understanding your life right now? 

Let’s try something…

  • Flash back to a moment in your childhood when you were really excited and happy.

  • Flash back to a moment that was super scary and frightening.

  • Flash back to your most embarrassing and cringe-worthy moment of your life.

  • Flash back to a moment when you were surprised by something completely unexpected. 

Notice anything?   All of your flashbacks have one common thing: How you processed your flashback!  What is YOUR LINK and how do YOU LINK TO YOUR OWN FLASHBACKS? 

We look at memories and moments a certain way.  Not everyone processes them the same way.  This will explain how you can be in the same room with a group of people and when individually asked about that specific flashback moment, not everyone will remember it exactly the same.


It is a process called memory-recall-attachment.  This is a very ‘personal’ thing in how YOU relate to that flashback. 

In my mother's 26 year battle with Alzheimer's Disease, memory recall wasn't just necessarily brain or disease related... a lot had to do with blockages from the experience level perception in exercising memory muscles as much as it had to do with limited experiences prior to the disease. Some of it had to do with PTSD trauma, too.  When a memory is attached to an emotion (i.e. recall of the Japanese internment camps)... it was discovered there was selective memory recall based on emotional pain and not related to the disease progression within the brain.

While this is just one example, there are other ways we can take a look at this.


It is important so that you can improve your communication skills with everyone in your life by understanding how YOU process moments, memories and everyday events in your life as they happen.

It helps so that when you have a conversation, you can remove ‘conflict’ from communication.

People will argue how they saw or perceived something.  Arguing about it is pointless because for each individual person, that ‘memory-recall-attachment’ configuration to the flashback is going to be different for everyone.

Before you can even take the first steps in understanding how other people ‘view’ things – you have to start with yourself and know how YOU process things, otherwise you will never be able to see someone else’s perspective or point of view and end up getting useless arguments that shouldn’t even be arguments at all. 

  • So take a look at those flashbacks you just had what did you notice and what stood out the most? 

  • Did you see things visually and was the most vivid part of your flashback?

  • Were certain words or phrases more front and center of your flashback?

  • How about emotions?  Did each flashback trigger more emotionally for you rather than visually or communicatively/audibly? 

See the difference?  Was it obvious to you how you LINKED TO YOUR OWN FLASHBACK?  Did you notice one way of your processing dominated other processes?   If your own flashbacks were evenly distributed in emotions, visual and audible memories – that too, is your own individual process.  Not everyone connects or LINKS back to their own flashbacks the exact way that you do.


In a simple marketing collaboration study within a group meeting at work for instance, if you’re brainstorming – you’ll start to see how not everyone in the group will agree in unison right off the bat. However, once idea progression extends to someone's recall memory button of reflex/reactive vs. taking action you will immediately see isolated experience level of action taking with mental triggers to creativity.

These creativity factors which are voluntary are proactive/action-oriented. The reactive in response to output taps into the emotional sectors of selective processing based on the individual's experience.  

Can this be changed?  Sometimes you have to work through the process of how other people process ideas, thoughts, plans and how they then execute the actions according to how they relate to what is shared.

Comfort level of sharing, exposure for judgment of said ideas will trigger the emotional response rather than the active cerebral response for the human to respond from strictly a psychological processing space.

Depending on who you are talking with and how THEY process their own flashbacks and how you process your own is the key to miscommunication, misunderstanding, missed viewpoints of any situation will differ person to person.  This can also be said for studies of Dementia and Alzheimer's Disesase, which is why not everyone affected by the disease will go in the exact same "order" of sadness, anger, emotional disconnect, short-term memory and long-term memory changes exactly the same within the same duration/time span of the disease.  While this will depend on the brain's own decline, it is in the perception/experience/action and emotional sectors of functioning in reactive vs. active phases which alter the outcome of the communications. 

Is nutrition a factor? Yes.  But that's a whole other topic on its own. 

Outside of any brain function diseases, there is also human vs. soul level of processing to consider. 

When we step outside of our human selves and take the time to examine our own process of who we are and how we remember and recall things, we can then learn how we perceive any situation at any given time.  Without knowing that, we as humans jump to the conclusion in automatic disagreement of any given situation because we are seeing that how we perceive things and how another person does, does not match up.

Each person is an individual as to how they flash back to a situation, a moment, an idea, a conversation, a meeting, a task or instruction or whatever.Whether it is physical, emotional, cerebral or simply human vs. soul life level processing... no two people are alike.

By understanding that it is strictly the processing part upfront, you can avoid many communication fumbles in your life in the future and improve your own LINK to how your recall and memory factor works within.
