Thursday, October 1, 2015


Links in our life take on different profiles based on perspective.  As human beings, it is natural to judge, compare and examine our individual lives in every form imaginable. Comparing our emotions and mental mindset against others happens on a daily basis, whether conscious of it or not. This is how humans adopt trends, adapt to change and evolve with the times, conform or rebel. 

In this process, opinions set in and people choose to label their own personal human ‘condition’ as good, bad or ugly.  Humans start to judge themselves. 

It is this labeling of personal LINKS that sometimes can stunt personal growth.  Humans get stuck with their own labels of good, bad or ugly and maintain the idea that their LIFE LINKS remain categorized under those terms.   
But what if we could change that?  It is possible for you to examine what you think (and have talked yourself into believing) is a good, bad or ugly life link to be changed.  LINKS can be tweaked as we continue to go forward on our journey of self-growth. 

Let’s do an exercise by answering a series of questions as they relate to the ‘idea’ of a human judging their lives and the progress in their lives in relation to another human being.

FIRST – answer the questions for yourself as yourself as you think they should be answered by answering yes or no.
“Thinking parts of my life as good, bad and ugly is human, BUT…”

  • Is it healthy?
  • Is it normal?
  • Is it destructive?
  • Is it self-sabotaging?
  • Can it be stopped?
  • Should it be stopped?
  • How does one stop it?
  • Can it be turned around?

Now look at your answers.  Do your answers surprise you?   

Answer these same questions now if you were helping a friend or family member who told you all about their good, bad and ugly links.  

How would they answer and how would YOU answer the questions if you were advising them?  Are your answers different than YOUR personal answers?  

Take a step back. If you notice differences, is this YOUR perception of them and how they would answer or how they would really answer?   Present these questions to your friend or family member and get THEIR REAL ANSWERS FROM THEM – from where they sit.  How do your perceived answers compare to their real answers? 

Okay – now… this one is a bit more challenging: 

Once you do this, answer the questions again if you were applying it to helping a homeless person on the street whose entire family committed suicide and they were the last one alive. 

Are your answers all the same for each individual from your family, friends and the stranger?  Or have they taken a different turn based on the profiles that were just presented to you? 

Did you automatically placed judgment based on their situation and bypass the idea that emotions/feelings, insight and perspective could possibly be on the same page as yours even though circumstance and situation of where they sit is different?    

If you answered all the questions the same for each person, this is telling about how you choose to perceive their perspective.  This is your assumption.  

If you answered all the questions differently based on the perspective of a friend or family member vs. someone who has had hardship vs. someone who turned to a life a crime…this is also telling. 

Judgment is a human thing.  However, we can operate from a soul level in comprehending a human better to SEE them through a soul's eyes and a human's eyes. 

Make no mistake -this is not about justification.  This is for YOUR OWN AWARENESS of HOW you compartmentalize your judgment and thought process.

You can now see for yourself how you separate emotion and thoughts from a human level or a soul level and if you apply human condition or situation to your perspective.   

You do not know the homeless person, however you assumed you could answer how they would answer the questions.  You may know your family member or friend, but if your answers do not match how they really answered the questions, isn’t is possible that both the homeless person’s answers would be different as well?  

Strangers are no different than loved ones, but humans choose to compartmentalize how labels are used when it comes to judging a series of life events that have happened. 

The kicker?  You do it to yourself as well.

Read that again.  You do it to yourself as well.  You judge what links are good, bad or ugly for yourself. Those labels you gave your own links might actually look different to someone else from where they sit and they may actually answer the questions as they apply to you very differently than from how you answered them for yourself.

Depending on how you answered these questions in every scenario is telling more about you than anything because it shows your perspective in how you view things or judge situations yourself. 

These are your truth links. 

No one is judging you on your truth links, but take stock in the idea that your truth and someone else’s truth are not the same truth. 

Why is this important to know?  COMMUNICATION LINKS.  

You could be talking about a subject from one perspective with a person who may actually have a different perspective of the same subject.  These LINKS are not about ‘opinion’ – but they come from a deeper place where we do ‘tapping’ into cerebral, emotional and yes, sometimes even spiritual conditioning of where we are in our evolution of truth. 

Humans justify everything only from their perspective of experience unless they are operating from a place of fact.  However, even fact can be subjective based on how someone LINKS to the fact and how it applies to his or her psyche or the method for internal processing of the information to recommunicate the information from the perspective of truth. 

Examine the news:

Fact – Earth has had some of the hottest temperatures on record this year.
Now, this ‘fact’ could be measured by data and statistics and be backed by actual information which supports this statement.

But if you were living in Iceland or below the equator, or the other side of the world from where this statement was made, would you be processing this ‘fact’ the same way based on your personal experience?   

Think about that.  The LINK of information now has been observed and processed and someone may argue that this statement is not an applicable FACT from the experience of others not exposed to this fact as THEIR TRUTH from where they sit.

Yes…the fact LINK has now taken on a subjective slant and may or may not be an agreeable fact or in some cases an arguable fact. 

Therefore, what you consider to be good, bad, or ugly as a LINK in your life which affects your life can be perceived as the opposite by someone else who examines the process by which you choose to label your own link.  

Is this optimist vs. pessimist? 

Is this wisdom gained through experience?

Is this environmental conditioning? 

Regardless of how you SEE it, the fact is that you have links you have decided for yourself and given them labels.
Now that you’ve read all of this, how would you answer the questions again… as yourself, your friend/family member, the homeless person or the drug dealer?  Would you try to put yourself into their world of life experienced through their eyes?  Do the answers change?  Do YOUR answers change when comparing your journey?

Would the answers be different than how you answered them before, comprehending fully that through the eyes of others they may process the good, bad, and ugly links differently, too?  

The point of everything you have just read is for you to take a step back to think about your own perspective.  We have the power to look at bad and ugly links as educational tools to shift the chain of life links to growth.  We can also take the good links and turn them into gratitude.

None of the link labels matter. What matters is how you learn and grow from the links you have.  No one’s links are better than another’s links.  Many people have turned negative links to positive links and have turned positive links into gratitude links.

What you choose to do with yours is up to you. Therefore, your daily life is reflective of this perspective of how you choose to look at them.

So the next time you say your life sucks, or it isn’t fair or that you can’t change or you are too scared to grow – remember you have a choice in how you turn your links around for the greater good and your highest purpose.
