Thursday, September 17, 2015


Life is complicated.  For most it is an endless battle between the mind and heart like an endless ping-pong tournament that seems to exhaust itself to no end.

In terms of Linkronicity - Where Your Journey & Destiny Linkfinding the link between these two spaces is often challenging and difficult in a world where we are bombarded non-stop with daily messages trying to juggle what life offers - while navigating the environment of others maintaining status-quo operative sanity getting through a daily agenda.

Along our journey, a true-life calling passion may find us, love may find us, a dream realized that we've worked hard for may find us and sometimes the unexpected may find us.

When faced with a big decision, it is common to stress incessantly about the 'right choice' or the most 'logical choice' when the brain decides to serve up answers in the middle of a dilemma.   However, it is not uncommon for the heart to tug trying to emotionally reason with one's state of being as to what feels right.

You may have heard the term far too often... "Be true to your heart" - but what does that actually mean?

In a human state, it is about feelings. Feelings are complicated because when they are like a James Bond martini - shaken and not stirred, it's a rapid whirlwind for our soul.
Feelings are part of our emotional landscape where we 'check-in' to ponder how we are connected to any decision big or small.   When we are in balance with the mind, body, soul and spirit - it isn't as difficult to sift through what you are feeling because there is a compartmentalization for what emotions run through us like a river.

When we are out of balance and lacking our centered core of well-being, emotions can be irrational and make it difficult to make a 'logical' choice as the mind wishes to make.  The more determined the mind is, the more challenging it is for the heart to debate when we hear, 'Be true to your heart."

In our higher states of consciousness through meditation and stillness when we are connected and linked to our authentic soul and spirit, we can find our truth more easily when listening to our heart's voice.  Yes, our heart has a voice... what did yours say to you today?   Did you really listen?  Or did you only hear what your mind wanted you to hear?   Did your higher consciousness deliver your answers with certainty to where you could answer the question...."What is true to my heart?"

Clarity surfaces to rescue our minds and hearts when we actually take the time to pause.  Pausing to check in with ourselves in moments of silence and scheduled peace (yes, I said 'scheduled'... sometimes in a busy day, you must do this as a gift to your self) - we can find the answers.  It is here in this internal sanctuary, we arrive at the place to deeply comprehend the matters of the heart and the mind and find peace between them as our spirit seeks answers to being true to our soul.

Take time today and each day to give yourself the gift that can continue to nourish all your centers and link your life to a place of struggling less and being more peaceful.
