Sunday, July 14, 2019


The first step.  These three words encompass so much for the human and soul experience.

As children, our parents marveled at our first step we took, knowing first-hand that we would be taking steps throughout the rest of our life.

The road is long. We are not told that in the beginning.  We are merely asked to keep going, putting one foot in front of the other.  

We are asked to stop to enjoy these steps.  We are asked to bask in them.  We are asked to never take them for granted.  We are also asked by the Universe to never fear taking a step again, because time and time again we are shown that in doing so, we are protected as we keep stepping forward, sometimes onward and sometimes at the steepest incline upward.

Most humans are not always conscious of their steps unless fear creeps in, or uncertainty grabs hold or a roadblock appears to paralyze one from taking a step.

The soul is fearless because it knows what it feels like to step into a cloud and have it cradle the footsteps, lovingly enrapturing it with calming, reassured energy, a whisper of praise, and a reassurance of signs.

It is here, the human is urged at some part of the juncture to take a leap of faith. This is a new video I was channeled…. My apologies for my brain’s auto-default accent to my Southern past life (not meant to offend anyone – I’ve spent so much time in the South that it is a trigger).

The Leap of Faith - This is not always easy for a human to do, as it searches for the echoes of “it’s okay, don’t worry” as a toe gingerly tests the waters making sure the human is safe. Oh but the soul is already “all in” and knows the human’s highest and greatest good is served by taking said steps, because the soul knows human earth time is limited in the physical body.

But it is here we have to revisit one’s idea/thoughts about Conviction, Faith, Trust and Belief – the four pillars of your core values and principles as well as your own raison d’etre.

The higher consciousness has already acknowledged, “Your human flesh puppet is merely your vessel. That vessel is not here forever…and you know it.  When you leave this planet, your soul will only have regrets for what it didn’t do when it was sitting around wrestling with human emotions.”

The human sobs, laughing at the same time knowing how the soul knows so much better than the human.

The soul asks the human, “Why do you torture me so?  Why do you put me in this crazy gut-wrenching place of contemplation or indecision?  Why are you wasting human time analyzing when you could be leaping?”

Good question, eh?

So let me ask you Lovely Souls …. What is your answer and how are you facing your own period of contemplation?

You are NOT imagining this. You are changing at a cellular, intellectual, emotional, physical, chemical, and spiritual level right now.

However your human may only see it as chaos, turmoil, something icky or uncomfortable to feel. Some of you may feel it as a rollercoaster of emotions  - up and down, sideways and topsy-turvy at 4Gs one minute and a calm, graceful Zen moment the next.
NO… you are not crazy. This is real – this is destined and it was in the cards to happen

For the past several years, I have been “channeled” messages from the other side to share in blogs to prepare you for what is happening this week. 

THIS IS YOUR NEW PORTAL.. What you choose to do or not do RIGHT NOW during eclipse season will reveal itself fully by your life choices in your life’s outcome in January 2020. 

This is called Divine Timing.  I knew this was coming and it is why I was ‘called’ by my soul to start a blog 200+ blogs ago;108 videos ago and with no proof this was needed or reason other than “I knew I had to do it” and it could help someone… maybe even you reading this right now. 

Doing a blog and video channel for Linkronicity was MY leap of faith – as it went against the grain, uphill like a salmon upstream, opposing all I knew from a traditional and conventional business module for a private practice. It was a difficult tightrope to navigate, too – with my private counseling practice’s code of ethics, much like some financial planners have the same dilemma.  You can’t really have a presence or too aggressively promote because it is not like selling widgets, but just disseminate information, but not too much information. Gads. I hate rules sometimes, but I must honor them and the sacred space of what I do, yet at the same time, the spiritual calling of the ‘bigger picture’ and ‘grander scale message’ beckoned simultaneously. 

Scrutinized by marketing peers for not aggressively marketing this, was not easy.  It may appear ‘strange’ that for a 34-year marketer to NOT market with paid ads, ‘advertorials,’ ‘co-ops,’ ‘sponsorships’ or even press releases, or what I call ‘media whoring,’ to be like a 180 degree from all that I have done aside from organic editorial pitching. However, even that was off limits.  This is what I was told from the Divine.   At first it seemed like a prison – but then it was the most liberating thing to not be attached to the outcome, ultimately just freedom to be not measuring up to some scale.  Luckily, I have no ego - that was removed when I first got into promotions because you are conditioned to have low expectations that just because you promote the hell out of something does not guarantee butts in seats - people have free will and choice.

THIS WAS MY TEST from the Universe.  Could I go against my intellectual and turbo ambitious entrepreneurial business self (and my entire career past) and surrender to my higher self, my spiritual self, my pure heart intention self and honor my core values and integrity of who I am, as I dared to be my authentic lightworker intuitive empath self? 
Could I rectify a past-life soul karma contract of not being in control of said outcome of this pet-project with a brand?  Could I remove all expectation?   Aye, carumba.   Oil vs. water…. Oh yeah.   Water had to win.  Water is life.  This was not about wanting ‘commercialize’ my message with non-stop sales pitches galore or promotions propaganda to ‘buy, buy, buy.’ 

This is not a cookie cutter thing here. I’ve never been about that.  What I have done here is merely wish to ORGANICALLY reach those who were genuinely in need of the resonance energy. I remained devoted and faithful, honoring channeling from the Divine, even the several nudged to share my own human stories to try to actually humanize the soul stuff. This is where I took my leap of faith to believe in something I could not tangibly see, yet my inbox had people jumping in with questions.  

Why?  For the small handful of the ‘chosen few’ who SEE ME and follow, I am here to tell you that you have gifts within you that go far deeper than what you know, because you have stayed.  Something resonates within your own soul’s curiosity of what you think/feel and intuitively know within yourself – the same very things that you think about, ponder, wonder about, and reflect upon and put into practice somehow in how you heal the world in what it is you choose to do.

You are the kind who would NOT stay if you were only interested in the bastardized commercialization without heart, based only on the stacks and stacks of reports, and analytics. I want to thank the loyalists and also my fellow light workers/coaches/empaths who need support in return as they expend their own energies. 

Back to leaping…Perhaps it is because I chose to throw out any common sense of ‘research’ to JUST GO FOR IT, that I vibrated with your own truth in your own wanting to take a Leap of Faith yourself. It was here you could explore the abyss that has swirled about in your psyche, and the depths of your soul so YOU CAN BE SEEN and understood somehow.  

Thus, our journey together began.  My heart screamed to spread the message to help people with tools I already had inside of my psyche, my soul, my gut, my human’s four-decade experience of growing up in cemeteries and going through in my childhood what most people do not experience until much later in life. 

If you watched the video above… you know I talked about frogs.

In nature, frogs leap naturally as a part of survival in the animal kingdom.
Humans have two modes of leaping ….

  • Spontaneous gut-driven leaping from the heart

  •  Extremely careful well-thought out planning, then leaping

Which are you?

Or are you someone who sits in the in-between?

If you’re busy ‘doing the work’ within you - you will discover that you have forgotten the playful childlike wonder of leaping. You abandoned your child-self telling yourself “that’s kid stuff… you’re an adult now.”  

However, if you are only doing external work, you will miss seeing that you abandoned your child-self because you are so darn busy in distraction and then it is here you will only find chaos and confusion.

This is where things went upside-down. 

WHY is this so? 

As an adult as you evolve, balancing your human intellectual with your emotional energies is ‘the work’ your human  does.  Your soul naturally gravitates already connecting to the gut intuitive instinct. 

When you get total alignment on this planet in the earthly plane, that is your human alignment but it is still not that child playing leap frog – because the human ego controls the human leaping/not leaping.

This is the tightrope walk/juggling act that takes place in order for humans “to feel comfortable enough leap.”  

Since everyone is a ‘work in progress’ – everyone is at a different level with the tightrope walk and their individual leaping ability.  

When a human is never consulted in the matter and the soul just leaps, the soul has chosen to function from the soul space. 

Because adults think this is the rational “grown up” thing to do incorporating responsibility, logic, wisdom, memory-recall from past mistakes, and therefore there must be some sort of ‘protocol’ before one takes action. 

  • What if only part of this was true?  How would you feel?

  • What if none of it was true?  How would you feel?

  • Does any of this matter?

Well, that depends… if you are only choosing to live life with blinders on in the 3D earthly realm, and do not wish to seek the higher self-knowledge or evolve into self-mastery, then perhaps you function/operate in the purely structured state.  You know…. As a human.
However, what if I were to open your mind and all of your chakras and tell you that you can leap daily just with your thoughts? 

  • When was the last time you took a leap of faith from your soul and not your human for survival? 

  • Did you follow your intuition? 

  • How did it turn out? 

  • How did the outcome affect your perception on leaping in the present day? 

It requires nourishing the soul, while feeding the human mind with rational thoughts, but not ones that get in the way of actual decision and somehow making sense out of organized chaos that is in this beautiful thing called life.

What it is we know to do naturally vs. what we do upon impulse or instinct is easy as a child.
Children climb monkey bars and trees, jump off rocks and pop wheelies, and do so with zero fear.  For a refresher on how FEAR IS NOT REAL (just perception and conditioning) ---- rewatch the video on the topic:

Something happens to the cognitive brain as an adult with the following mind-spinning conversations….

Is it the right decision - that may or may not pan out?  

Or is it spontaneously impulsive ready to bring about a huge surprise for the better?
This is the wrestling match of the brain hemispheres – that cannot be choreographed like any WWE match… even if you pride yourself at having the wrestling match skills of Ric Flair – Whooo! 

Taking a leap of faith in the 3D technically shouldn’t be very hard if you’ve flown in the 5D… yet somehow it IS what becomes the hang-up of most humans. 

Humans have to calculate, plan, organize and go through this computerized methodology mentally, psychologically in processing, praying hard that the memory recall doesn’t provide some sort of obstacle or roadblock to moving forward. 

So it is here I will ask you … who will win – your human or your soul? 

What does your human want?  What does your soul NEED? 

As we enter this week’s portal – my true heart wish for you is to answer your own call of what your soul knows it must do.  

This is why we’re here. Live beyond existing. Step into your soul’s truth. Take your leap of faith.

I’ll see you on the other side. 

With gratitude and blessings, strength and support.  BE GENTLE WITH YOUR SOUL THIS WEEK – Happy Rebirth to your NEW FUTURE.
