Monday, July 15, 2019


Lovely Souls, 

This is as REAL as it gets.  Energetically this is a time all about renewal to come into your new cycle of real love.  Everyone is being asked to step into a new vibration reality to only go for this truth and what authentically resonates and not waste time on energy that isn’t who we are

This is a different level of self-love harmony than you have worked on before.  It restores your every confidence and helps you step up and into what you want for your life, true passion resonance on every level. It’s not about talking yourself out of what you deserve. It is not about losing hope or having doubt.  That has to stop NOW or you will block energies of what is meant to be realized and self-actualized.

You ARE strong enough.
You ARE capable.
You CAN do this.
You ARE love.
Good things ARE coming to you.
Your dreams and your vision ARE YOURS.

THIS is who you really are.... not the other person that goes opposite of this direction.

Why is this happening?  So no one can ‘get away’ with being fake anymore or living a façade… in other words, living a life that is not who they are at the CORE.

When you are your doubting, worrying, stressed self...That is not your authentic self. 

The real you?  You can do anything and that is how you can be to love your life and have everything you want IN IT.  Love leads you.

This also means, to not settle for energy in your life that isn’t vibrating with your heart.
When you were a child, if you did not want to play Dodge Ball, you said, “I don’t want to play Dodge Ball” – you read a book instead of getting hit with the darn ball.

Train your brain to step into your truthful energy of knowing you are accepted, and that somebody sees you for who you really are and loves you just exactly as you are, and yes your choices - even if they are different.

While you may know this intellectually, what is happening cosmically now is that the energy shifts for this to become reality... not just a thought process, not just a "life advice tip" for you to follow, but to OWN for yourself and stand tall within.

THIS is perhaps the best analogy for what is happening cosmically in terms of a new cycle of real love. It starts with YOU before it can turn into 3D reality with the kind of connection you want with your loved ones.

You do not need to ‘go along’ or ‘go through the motions” in a half-baked effort in your daily life that does not make you feel ‘alive,’ ‘creatively challenged’ (in a good way) or inspired.
Once you recognize this vibration, everything you want (health, true love, philanthropy, stability, etc.) will evolve into this higher ground for you and your life on your ‘new terms’ of living your life.

If you are not in harmony, then you are going to be challenged and asked “What really sparks your soul?”  This is so that new conversations can begin on THIS level, not the ‘meh’ level where you feel a part of your soul chipped away at, each time you lower yourself down from who you are.

Anything that falls short now, leaves the realm of possibility- because The Universe KNOWS what you truly want (you’ve prayed for it repeatedly) and won’t deliver anything less than that. Then you will be pushed to answer this question honestly this time to step up into a HIGHER VIBRATION. 

Trust that the very best is already yours….and on the scene. It is here and you know it – you just need to choose it and claim it, declare “I want ________(XYZ).”  

In simple terms/words, it’s time to DIG DEEPER and there are no more beauty pageant ‘answers’ to questions – the Universe will ask you what you want (and to be clear).  For others who have not lived this pathway and have been living life on auto-pilot, most of this time, this question is going to get REAL for you in fumbling for YOUR ANSWER.
This energy that is happening right now is funky/gnarly and NEW.


Thus, if you do ‘not know how to do this’ – it’s okay.  If you do, then you lived through the timeline when the planets were in this EXACT alignment that they are right now, which is eons ago.

So if you are feeling out of sorts, you are not alone – EVERYONE is feeling it on a different level, based on where they are in their own VERY SPECIFIC personal journey BASED ON THEIR SOUL’S CALLING.

What am I talking about?  I am talking about DNA activation in your TRUTH of this next cycle so that you can live your best life.

But take a deep breath – relax.  It just means you are making ROOM FOR NEW ENERGY.
So what does all of this mean?   

For those of you who have NOT yet watched this video – please watch to get “caught up” on what is happening…. And WHY.

Now… let me be clear, this is not the ‘best life’ that you have heard a thousand times before, rather this shift of energy consciousness has to do with something even DEEPER for…

  • ·         Your emotional activation

  • ·         Your spiritual activation

  • ·         Your mental/psychological awakening of your power activation

  • ·         Your choice to move into your new physical world reality

  • ·         Your soul’s evolution and choice to rise higher and higher

  • ·         Your cellular activation

  • ·         Your spirit’s CALLING that you’ve tried to turn away from

If you are feeling like you are losing everything familiar --- or your ego is upset that things are not unfolding to your ‘perfect vision’ – you are misreading what is happening.

What if I told you that ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS have been heard and that everything you wish for is here, you just have to open your eyes and see what is here.  It is not about looking at it from your lens, but to see it is delivered and you have to just have to declare and claim it.  

Everything that is falling away (projects, friends, things you’ve worked hard toward/i.e. old goals, maybe loved one, your life as you knew it, etc.), it because you are being prepared for a NEW WORLD. 

That’s right… a new world you have not set foot in before.

WHY?  Because you are a new you with a renewed you, an improved you and therefore you must now enter a NEW CYCLE OF LOVE.

If you were pushed to the walls of injury, illness, disease, or distress, you are not the same person as you were before.  You are now meant to step into your power to use your experience to help others see what it is you experienced and use this as a gift of knowledge to share.

If you were forced to take on new responsibilities that you did not foresee coming or even if you were forced to change careers, jobs, pathways due to the economy or life circumstances, you are not the same person as you were before.  You are now meant to gather all that you’ve learned to shift and navigate your next pathway with clearer vision and understanding for where you invested your energies so you can do this with wisdom for efficiently for your soul’s energy reclamation. 

If you were backed into a corner with your friendships, co-workers, colleagues, relationships, family obligations, etc., you are not the same person anymore. You are now meant to seek your new tribe in terms of the collective with like-minded energies to expand consciousness so those people left behind can be helped just from the energetic field of your new united energies/power with others. 

Do you see what is happening now? 

We do not understand what is happening at the time when it is happening, but it is indeed happening for a greater purpose than we know.  

Sometimes it is merely about the human GETTING CLEAR on TRUTH – and being REAL as opposed to ‘going through the puppet motions’ of what is expected in terms of conforming.

The Universe is sifting out those who have conformed too long – because they have lived most of their life as ‘not their true selves’ or in a box of half-baked desires. 

Even those who have been rebels and have been true to themselves are having their foundations shaken to clear out old residue of old tapes from childhood (parental parroting) of outdated ideas of ‘how things should be’ – vs. what is in the rebel’s heart/truth to be who they truly are 100% aloud. 

For others, foundations are being shaken for the idea that these people are to be the ‘cycle breakers’ for their family lineage – to CHANGE the story somehow from how things ‘were always done’ so things can be done differently.  Sometimes this is for karmic cycles to be broken to change and clear/heal old karma to have a clean slate. 

For those who have done the massive work, this is also a time when Twin Flames and Soul Mates find each other in the 3D, because they are now whole and healed to actually build something constructive as an example for others to follow.  They have worked through karmic cycles and healed old energy and stories wrapping up loose ends from past lifetimes. It is here they collaborate, merging all their gifts and build something together for the highest greatest good.

For many of you dealing with elderly relatives – this is your ONE CHANCE to say what you need to say once and for all so you can make peace NOW and create a bridge of understanding while you can so that you can enter your next chapter without any regrets. 
And last but not least – for many of you being taken off the chessboard and planted in a completely different scenario of ‘Gee, I have never felt anything like this before or experienced this kind of energy before’ – seeing your world do a 180 degree turn, simply put YOU ARE NEEDED in a different context.

In other words, you’ve already become complacent in where you’ve been sitting in your comfort zone of same ‘ol, same ‘ol far too long, settling.  The Universe knows what didn’t work before and what hasn’t worked before and now is asking you…..

”Are you going to go down the same road to get the same thing you got before?  Or do you want something different that aligns with your heart and soul’s truth of a higher vibration?”
WHY is this hard? Because humans are creatures of habit and will stay in bad situations (bad job, bad relationships, bad community energy, and bad karma energy, and so forth)
Let me just say this:

  • First - You are allowed to grieve your old life. Please do this so you can fully purge/heal.
  • If you are one of these people who like being a creature of habit…. You’re being pushed out of it.
  •  If you truly feel uncomfortable… the Universe is making you get out of your comfort zone.

This is a challenging, yet magical time. It IS a rebirth and it is a time for you to renew your self-love rituals so you can embrace the love that is already here for you in your life to enjoy now as an enlightened soul.  

The Universe is delivering this FOR US ALL so we do not need to be living status quo antiquated thoughts/ideas of ‘how things should be’ – but rather invite us to step into a reality that aligns with our dreams in how we want to participate in to create the life we truly want. 

Deep breath, Lovely Souls.  Welcome to the new cycle of loving your life.  
I think you’re going to truly love it!  Embrace the change.
