Thursday, July 25, 2019


This morning it rained.  I heard neighbors complain. 

It was not the kind of rain that made everything clean – but rather the kind of rain that rinsed off just enough dirt from the leaves of trees to dirty the sidewalk.  However, I saw it as beauty, I saw it as light, I saw it as love and was grateful to be able to do so.

I love the overcast skies, and the misty dew and calm vibration underscore of the drip, drip, drip remnants slowly rolling off the tips of leaves from the trees and plants, as birds chirped overjoyed with gratitude for this magnificent surprise.

It’s been hot… 97 degrees, and somehow, some way – Mother Nature knew this serenity was needed, a ‘relief’ of sorts from the intensity, even if it made things muggy and thick. I smiled and said “Thank you, Mother Nature… I see this purpose.” 

Of course, the revving of engines, the impatient honking of horns and alarms going off next door as my neighbor burned breakfast again, and the leaf blower guys trying to blow wet leaves stuck to the pavement, seemed like the polar opposite of what was happening in nature.

These folks were grumbling in ‘the thick of it.’ 

However,  it is because of this ‘thick, muggy air’ that we are being shown (and gifted) to find a breeze and lightness – it is a wake-up call of sorts. 

If only, a deep breath …. We can find a moment to see – that the dirt drips on the sidewalk created a psychological “inkblot” of sorts of beauty, one that looked like the human brain or a corn maze or whatever it is one would imagine to punctuate all of the above that I have described.  Synchronicities exist here if you take a step back from our chaotic world to see that the Universe is giving us all a 'nod' in its recognition of 'what is going on' - however, we are being reminded once more that we each can 'shift' current consciousness to change a vibration resonance even in the simplest way. 

Whoa... I know... it's a lot to digest. So take a moment to digest it.
Ginger helps.  Hehe. 

It is here, I felt the love of this moment – a gift that I was being presented with to see to appreciate, even if others could not pause long enough to breath in this effect; but that I could feel urged to share after meditation, before I go turbo gangbusters on my own day’s to do list. 

We all have these loving pauses we are being given by life itself, if we choose to take them.  They are for us to take in to have gratitude for and to lovingly share with others. I feel nudged by Spirit to share this stuff, for those who need a little light in their hearts, peace in their minds or reminders for their soul.

So let me ask you…

  • When was the last time you paused for your own daily effect?

  • What was the most significant simplicity of everyday life that stopped you in your tracks to breathe in?

  • How did it change your mood in just one minute?

  • Did you take it into your day?

  • Where did you notice your next ‘moment’ like this?

  • Did it make you aware that you have this happening all of the time when you need it?

I ask you these questions as a reflective exercise in human curiosity- things you may not ask yourself or ponder, or you do – but you let it be as fleeting as a few inconvenient raindrops that my may or may not appreciate the way that you want.

This ‘out of body’ experience ‘in the moment of present human consciousness’ has several labels and names in the metaphysical world, in the clinical neurological world, in the spiritual space – but I like to group it into LOVE.

Why?  If we love life’s little moments, it becomes this chain LINKED together that we can appreciate all of the time, and from here it expands into our own gratitude, our own love, our own way of being thankful for simply WHAT IS.

What makes this important?  We come to the place of zero expectation for how things should be, but rather take a moment to treasure how things are, because they are perfect in that breath.

It is in this place – HUMANS feel peace, light, love and being in said moment… and it is where all fears, doubts, worries and negative energy cannot exist if we choose to enjoy life’s simple gifts.  

Yes, I just said that… for purpose and reason beyond what you see.

We are thrown so much information daily that is dark, negative, and toxic. What this does to our cell system, psyche, and soul is that it creates ‘more clean up’ of what you just spent _______XYZ amount of time to clean up to create Zen for yourself. 

It’s almost like you knitted a beautiful blanket and spent hours creating a design, with every purposeful stitch (this is the work you just did in healing, rising to the next  level and so forth that you worked on).  

If you only are thrown negativity, and you are not taking in the daily vitamin dose of the good and appreciating ‘the good’ – even in the simple things, all of the toxic stuff builds up and is like a snag ripping out every stitch of that beautiful blanked you knitted.

This is how humans get out of balance.  This is where fear creeps in and debilitates the human from staying on the positive track to have the courage and bravery to keep going in the intended direction from the positive healing one just did.

So I share with you a few bird chirps, raindrops, finding joy in simplicity of seeing love all around you as your cure, your answer in seeing what can be appreciated in the ‘here and now’ – RIGHT NOW as it is happening.  It is needed for your balance, your wellness, to sustain that beautiful light inside.

You deserve this. You are love. You are light. You are the art that is created from all that is washed away and even muddied.  It’s beautiful as is – like every moment as is.  

And so it is.
