Friday, June 14, 2019


Lovely Souls, we are in a new chapter.  I mean this very literally… things are happening in cosmic energy that have never happened before, shifting us to expand.  Are you ready? 

Are you feeling the need to change, reaching and opening yourself to a new energy?

Are you having the uncomfortable push and surge forcing you out of your comfort zone to do something that might scare you a little bit? 

Great stuff, huh?  Hehe  I hope you are choosing to laugh at the rollercoaster instead of cursing it.

Don’t worry, you will feel the higher vibration of what change, transformation and a true metamorphosis “AWAKENING” is here really soon.  We’re entering new territory as we shift collective consciousness – forcing everyone to change in a way that helps all of us expand our awareness from the inside out.

For those of you, walking this new pathway – as a Life and Business Wellness Communications Coach, I am here wanting to help you through this metamorphosis to understand things from a different perspective in order to tweak old links that are no longer serving you.

But you know this already, if you’ve been following these 200 blogs the past few years, which by the way…THANK YOU for your continued support. I am grateful for it and you.

We have arrived at a place where your metamorphosis is on a new playing field taking you  to the next level.  

So the question now is... What have you done to create your own metamorphosis from the first several risings and how do you see the process as you shift to embrace what is new and in front of you? 

We have arrived at the juncture of RISK, FEAR, FAILURE AND SUCCESS and defining your journey, through your own floundering of decision-making to label it in order to digest it to transform.

So I ask you... do you call yours Heaven or Hell? 


In junior high school, I had an amazing, innovative, visionary history teacher.  He wasn't a traditional teacher. He went the unconventional route in teaching…we did not have stacks of history books we learned from during the semester. 

He wasn't a firm believer that you could really learn life lessons via history from reading a book alone. To him, a book was there to provide back up support to the events, a testimonial as a supplement. But the books themselves were not about history.  They couldn’t possibly connect the direct experience to the lesson in the application of relevancy to present day life in many aspects.  

He encouraged us to read the newspaper. It's not that he was some big journalism enthusiast. But he believed that if today's headlines were reporting what could be history, history is being made every single day whether we realize it or not.  He obviously lived ‘in the present.’ 

I think about how ironic my teacher’s beliefs were to TV’s Craig Ferguson’s old Late Late Show theme song lyric, “Tomorrow’s just your future yesterday.”  

What a brilliant, genius line that is, right?  I want for you to observe synchronicity… and yes, LINKRONICITY™ of what that means as I show you one more time how to CONNECT and apply words of wisdom.  We just have to be present and pay attention with our consciousness.   

Thus, history books in themselves served a ‘purpose’ to where we would ‘never forget’ what shaped us.  However, if we keep repeating our mistakes because humans could not digest or process through the experience to comprehend history, it’s not as impactful.
Life is like that. Things repeat themselves unless we break a cycle.  Fully understanding the experience with empathy, compassion and a deep interest to completely grasp the experience can help do that.  

First I need to reference something.  My teacher loved Helen Keller. He also made everyone in class fall in love with her by the end of the semester because he brought someone who made history to life for us based on this quote:


“Success is mostly a superstition.  It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it.  Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.  
 Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”  ~ Helen Keller

*** Legal warning safety disclaimer... DO NOT be stupid and try this. It's not safe. We had permission slips and this was a history experiment with proper supervision*** 

The class was divided in half. One half would wear a blindfold. The other half would wear ear plugs. The ones wearing ear plugs would carefully walk the students wearing blindfolds across the street of a busy intersection in the middle of peak traffic. 

If you were in this history class...

  • Would you dare to cross the street?

  • Would you be cautious?

  • Or figure you have nothing to lose?

  • More importantly, how do you perceive risk?  

If you ask yourself these questions, how you deal with risk can help you step into your metamorphosis. 

My teacher’s lesson was about educating us how people who have made history have not only taken risk, but they trusted something more important than what they saw or heard… they trusted how they felt.  

Helen Keller worked off her other senses and this how my middle school teacher taught us both history and a life lesson to process our own metamorphosis for change, transformation and trusting instinct – which is what many history-making icons had to do.
However, reading history books to only read their story wouldn’t give us the impact of understanding history unless we could experience what drove history to this place by being in a position to experience it ourselves.  


This brought up the question…Don't animals run off those same instincts? Sometimes it's an energy, or it's a vibe of intuitive feeling.  Have you ever been around a blind or deaf animal?  I have. A few of my friends have had huge blind dogs. People who can see, would automatically see the intimidating looking dog and run the other way, no different than some people do when they see a spider. Now think about that for a minute. Why are people afraid of the spider?   

Think back to when you were a small child. Curiosity teaches us to explore and to risk. No one screams or jumps at three years old when they see a spider. Most kids just pick it up, maybe even try to play with it or eat it. It is only when adults freak out we acquire this 'learned behavior' of freaking out… and this in turn teaches us to 'freak out' when we see a spider… or an intimidating dog or anything else in life that scares us.  

The dog or spider don't really fear us – you don’t hear THEM SCREAMING now do you?
My friend's blind dog shows up and just automatically trusts blindly if he can sense someone is just there to pet him, play with him or unconditionally love him. 

My history lesson was poignant and powerful. People who made history functioned on these 'other instincts' – they did not fear anything. Interesting perspective isn't it? Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., … we could go on forever. Being different and taking risks can be inspirational if we know who we are and take the risk to be true to what we believe.    

Do you take risks or don’t you?   Why or why not?   Do you tap into your natural instincts?  Or do you avoid them?  If our instincts are on target, why don't some people take risks?

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face…  Do the thing you think you cannot do.”  
 ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


Fear of failure. This is most common. People are afraid to fail.  When you think about this logically, this is utterly ridiculous.  How can you fail if you attempt, try, do your best and put yourself out there? That's not failure. Not trying is failure.  

“Do, or do not.  There is no try.” 
 ~YODA, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

So why fear failure when your only option outside of trying is succeeding? 

That's like saying … "Don't bake cookies if you’ve never done it before, because you might burn them. But if you succeed without burning them you might actually enjoy eating them!" What?!  Silly as it sounds, this applies. 

Damn, now I am craving cookies.  

If your friends or family judge you because you 'fail' at something, they're not being supportive. 

The world won't damn you for failing, even if you may ‘feel’ like it.  They can criticize your method for trying, they can be judgmental and shred you to bits where you may make you want to crawl in a hole.  

But if you try with everything you have, you won't be damned for failing if you see that you dared to do what they were too fearful to even begin to attempt. So why fear it?

Failure of success. When it comes to business, it took me a while to understand.  How can anyone be afraid to actually achieve their dream? What!? You may actually get what you want? All you dream of? Is it so bad?  

Life is tough and then we all die, so why not try? What is wrong with being able to feel joy and say 'Yesssss!' Knowing you're right on your mark, there's no better or more exhilarating feeling than that. 

However… I have seen one significant trigger, where people are afraid of success in terms of their life changing to the point they fear they will not recognize nor return to their previous story of their life and may lose their original selves. There is a grieving process in this.

While this is valid for some, it is in assessing who your true believers are in your core character, you will see who is really in your camp who will prevent you from becoming an alternate version of yourself and keep you true to your authentic self, by giving you a swift kick in the behind to remind you to not to forget your roots. 

You may lose yourself. But those who care will rein you back to where you need to be.
If they fail, sometimes the Universe will do it in a harder way to give you your ultimate wakeup call in order to remind you that (wait for it)……. Life is not about failure or success at all.

What?  Read that again.

Life is not about failure or success at all.  

The meaning of life is more than that, it is deeper than that it contains something beyond comprehension built from a place of love and truth. 

At the end of the day, no amount of money or titles, or successes can buy what really matters and that is love and passion for what you do and what you believe in, what you stand for – who you are in your character.

The electric company doesn’t care if you are a Nobel Prize winner or an Astronaut, or famous, they just want the bill paid.  

Most people are too insecure to stand in character alone, needing some sort of external pillar to hold them up, but they will soon find that once the pillar drops, life is meaningless.

Thus, humility chip is carefully placed into the school of “What have we learned?”
We bring this back around to my history teacher who asked the same question…

“What have we learned?”

Most people will not recall history the same way just from what they studied in books, however you will get people to recall history more effectively in greater numbers by what they collectively experience from it themselves --- and that includes Fear, Risk, Failure and Success.

It is HERE people will process it as either Heaven or Hell. 

You can see your entire journey as Hell… or you can see it from the “What have we learned?” space of Heaven in that whatever you have learned IS THAT… a Heavenly gift.

We can take this gift of learning from the divine and make our lives more fulfilled.
Suddenly, the reality is this equation - Fear dissipates when you add the laughter of Failure.  Success is only truly measured if you have learned to love yourself and someone to share it with. And the journey will matter even more if you were passionate about your true purpose.
