Friday, June 28, 2019


You are not your head.  You are your soul.
When you make a decision, you move closer to your goal.
Your human is linear, your soul is a spiral,
Trust the Universe – for that trust will go viral.
Output of energy is real, yes it is.
So think positively, enjoying every turn, every twist.
Open your portal – the door to the best,
You’ve endured the trenches and every test.
When things don’t appear rational, step into intuition,
For this is the key, that turns the ignition!
So what does that mean?  Step forward see clearly what is in view.
Joy is waiting with each action for every victory to come through.
You need not feel a ‘crossroads’ – as it is not real.
This is your head, asking for your heart to feel.
You want to move forward, and the Universe knows.
Connection remains as a dream flourishes and grows.
The journey you live - is about to hit a new place,
So that you can rest in your soul-spirit space.
Nurturing is important, groundedness is vital,
But step out of old energy, that is merely survival.
You visualized your wish. You dreamt it, you saw it
Manifestation may come fast, so don’t you dare pause it.
Do you really want it?  It’s time to open the door.
You prayed long enough, you repaired and restored.
It took a long time to arrive at your ‘all-knowing.’
To release toxicity, to find your freedom in growing.
Laugh at your discomfort, let insecurities fall away,
Speak your truth with what you really have to say.
If entrapment of your mind is at combat with your heart,
You know you can get clear to move into a new start.
The new pathway is here, it’s glorious and grand.
Owning your power, taking a stand.
Have the courage to claim what’s rightfully yours.
Step up, step in and step through that door.
Be brave, be strong – only good things are to be,
Transformation takes shape beyond your telepathy.
You’re not lost, you are found with what has arrived,
The Universe knows where your dreams reside.
Breathe the tidal wave of blessings - awareness is here,
New tools are in your grasp, to continue to persevere.
No holding back, it’s your time to shine.
The gifts are all here, from the Divine.
Life is about experiencing all that you have been through.
Don’t worry no teachers are here to grade you.
Restore your energies, as you transform your story,
To help you step through to embrace your ultimate glory.
You’ve worked hard within and on your projects for each chapter,
All leading you to your authentic happily ever after.
~ Namaste, Stacey Kumagai

Okay………………………… what the heck was that mega-channel you ask?  
Hehe. Yeah, I know. Holy crap, Stacey. 
Welcome to my world, Lovely Souls. 
I channeled this from the Divine as medicine for all of you who need something to resonate with your mind, body, soul, and spirit during this rollercoaster season of transformation that everyone is stepping through to some degree.
Some of you are changing homes, careers, and some of you are care-taking ill or aging loved ones for some time. Some of you are attending funerals, weddings and going through a rebirth of your own.  Some of you are shattering your ego, your pride, letting go of old energy or relationships.
Some of you are ending old cycles (habits, addictions, behavior/ways of thinking); while others of you are changing perspective on how you’ve handled (or not handled) your emotions, your thoughts and feelings about your own vulnerability and truth in every situation from authority, co-workers, significant others or family and friends. 
Some of you just finished exploring a new field or educational chapter; while others of you are looking at ways of finding more balance and peace, joy and fulfillment or finding new streams of income. 
Some of you are in UNFAMILIAR territory spiritually - exploring deeper and higher realms of awareness at the same time, feeling overwhelmed with this NEW TERRAIN. 
We are all going through a major shift right now – everyone. 
Just when you think you cannot handle any more pressure in some aspect of your life – something may appear to test your theory.
First – take a deep breath.  You’re going to be fine. Happiness and joy are yours at the end of this metamorphosis, this self-reflection/introspective time of development.
If you’ve been following the last couple of weeks of my posts – you will see a series of videos and poem channels filled with messages I have channeled FOR YOU as a way to ride out this tidal wave of change.
No one is immune to being nudged, prodded and yes, even pushed to the corners of the walls of their pre-existing comfort zones to change what is not working to find new pathways and open doors to what will work better.
If you’ve been feeling funky and gnarly, your soul can rest in what you just read, because what will ‘work better’ is ultimately a blessing, right?  Your greatest and highest good is always available FOR YOU to access no matter what you go through to see the gifts of greater purpose for you to appreciate where you have been so you can get clear on what you truly want in where you are going next on this beautifully chaotic adventure called LIFE.
Re-read the poem channels that flowed through my fingertips removing more visible letters from my external keyboard, which grants me the honor of this opportunity to be this catalyst for change to help you with your journey.
Remember as you go through this weekend, in preparation for next month that you know/understand it is up to YOU to make things crystal clear within yourself. 
Here you can come to terms with who you are, respecting your uniqueness, making peace with your fears so you can release blockages, and yes, that final step forward through the door that may scare you to do the very thing you fear the most. 
If you are questioning THE UNIVERSE and how it is handling your dreams – DO NOT. 
Remove your insecurity.  Once you remove your insecurity – the UNIVERSE WILL USHER IN the UNKNOWN paradise that is yours. TRUST THE UNIVERSE – there is no more room for doubt.
You may think you are in fantasyland believing in the Divine Plan for Your Life.  Don’t doubt this either - for when you doubt, you only push away and delay what is on the other side of that door that you may or may  not be able to SEE.
Your future is carefully crafted by more than just you…. believe in it.  But you have to take action on WHAT YOU KNOW and TRUST the Universe will work WITH YOU to CO-CREATE THE REST.
I think Donny Osmond sums it up best in this song.  Enjoy.

Walk though that next open door with confidence, smile and know I see you and I am cheering you on all through every step you take!  You can do this! 
Stacey Kumagai