Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Lovely Souls -    In case you missed it ---- Here's PART ONE:



As you look at the image attached success image to this blog post, what do you see for your own truth as to HOW YOU LINK to success?  

After watching the video - do you have a different take on what it means?

With the blink of an eye, or a dash of a reading on a graphic or watching a video, we can open our minds up to what is possible or shift our perception on who we are with where we are going in how we perceive our own situations.

Our world, our timeline, our thoughts, ideas and perceptions are changing daily.

The truth is, we are all different right now and we are not the same people as we were before this pandemic.  That’s a fact. 

Life as we know it has changed.

We as people have changed (hopefully all for the better).

Our perception about our big world has shifted.

And for every human, their own personal bubble of their world has also changed/shifted.

If you have not felt that you have changed throughout 2020, then perhaps it is your opportune time to do some reflection on who you were pre-pandemic and where you are now with what you have digested as a part of your own definition of what success means to you right now.

For most of the world in quarantine lock-down, success meant being able to adapt, be flexible, adhere to rules and guidelines, broaden the word of respect to a situation for the health, life and safety of others.  It meant excavating a part of your soul on a deeper level to see what mattered.

In terms of business – it meant change on many levels of the word ‘change’ with incarnations (monthly, weekly at daily) testing the parameters of trust, faith, belief and surrender.

Through this process, humanity learned to adapt to either being laid off, furloughed, or working from home, or changing goals, careers, directional pathways from the known to the unknown.

For everyone, this was scary in a different context – depending on what happened to you, where you are and how you are perceiving what it is you have to do to address your next chapter.

For business owners saying ‘goodbye’ to businesses that have been around for 50+ years the loss of a legacy, and the same is said for those in careers just as long attached to said businesses.

For the recent graduates/students, it felt like two steps forward, five steps back questioning every step taken to graduate with nowhere to go, and whether the foot-forward path would die here or just be reinvented another way.

In the video, we addressed the FOUR MAIN GROUPS of people here going through transition.

Where did YOU fit?

Picking up one’s self and dusting one’s self off to start anew is not always easy for everyone. It is a process which requires deep thought, contemplation and for many, even deeper soul searching because it is LINKED to one’s perception of failure or success.

While this may seem benign to those to some, for many people this is a life-altering decision when you attach yourself to the idea of your own survival mentality as much as you do to your idea of mortality. 

With both the pandemic and the protests against brutality, humanity not only had a reality check, but was forced to come face-to-face with mortality with this ‘duality’ of the Universe’s wake-up call to how every day isn’t just a day – it could be life-changing.

So from this place we must look at how the word success is turned on its head into nothing related just to a job or a career or even a business, but to examine it from the place of looking at things as life-changing and somehow putting it into a different context.

For many businesses, it was about ‘the numbers’…  XYZ sales meant ‘success.’

Today, it is “If we survive a day in business where nobody contracts Covid-19 or spreads it to our customers, and everyone is okay, all are safe, our store isn’t looted, people don’t die, and no one is harmed, everyone is treated with kindness and respect equally, and we practice health and safety measures to address everything, with human heart, it is defined as success if we can exist.”

That’s one heck of a long run-on sentence, but for many, this is what success now means and the rest of the abundance is mere gratitude for gravy.

As humanity processes this altered reality for some/most – suddenly, human psyche re-evaluates life from a different place, the soul context of what matters gets turned on its head and the initial ambition, drive, and application of thriving CHANGE our own definition of what success means NOW.

So let me ask you… with these journal prompts…

  • ·       What does success look like now to you?
  • ·       Is your definition of fear of failure different as is your definition of fear of success? 
  • ·       Have you re-evaluated the word in terms of what you are doing at this moment?
  • ·       Are you struggling with how you LINK to your PURPOSE?
  • ·       Was your identity wrapped up in what you did for a living?
  • ·       Do you feel as if you need to matter in different context?
  • ·       How has gratitude played a part in your soul excavation wrestling in what success   means to you now? 
  • ·       Where do you go from here?
  • ·       Does the idea of a clean slate motivate or scare you?
  • ·       Who are you in this moment as you redefine what you want to do while you are     here?

While I know these are a lot of journal prompts, but I know some will resonate with a few, while nearly all will resonate with one or two of the four groups.

It is important to take note of where you are, and understand how we define fulfillment and what it means to be attached to our ideas of the word, SUCCESS.

·       With much time to reflect has your time in quarantine changed your definition of success?   

·       If so, HOW to you look at work and your achievements now vs. life pre-pandemic?

·       Were these just as much a part of your own DNA?

·       Has the idea of facing the 'new normal' changed the way you view what success means to you?  Has it challenged you in a good way or do you feel defeated?

·       Did you discover something about how you perceived your own Work/Life Balance? 

I welcome your thoughts and invite you to use these as your JOURNAL PROMPTS as you contemplate your future.

It's time to step into your FULL CHAKRA BALANCE energy of owning your own pathway, your truthful journey for honoring the purpose of balance, being and becoming in your new gateway to self-expression.  

Expand your energy beyond breaking the mold with what you do as you sit in your creative energy.  It is why you are here and why you are YOU.

If you’re interested in exploring greater depths of the video AND this blog, 
YES – we can dive even DEEPER than this with a way for you to get more clarity with how you will move forward.  The video and the blog only merely scratched the surface of who you are and what you do and where you can go next. 

One-Hour Private Coaching is available at Linkronicity.com

If you want to connect to the energy balancing attached to both the blog and the video so you feel less overwhelmed and scattered – go to Patreon.com/Linkronicity to Join Club 33/33 for Next Level of this or Club 55/55 for three levels beyond the video and blog to work on your next new beautiful adventure of finding your work/life balance with Zen Wellness fulfillment.

Meanwhile, Lovely Souls – I hope that you know, I feel where all of you are right now and this is why I am called by all of you to show up to provide the first steps of the video and blog and hope that on a first-level, this helps you get out of your head and into your heart for where you want to take on life next.

I hope you are all staying healthy and safe.   I’m sending you all so much love and light, peace support and strength.

Blessings!  Namaste.

Stacey Kumagai