Tuesday, June 2, 2020


When words fail, music speaks. Marvin Gaye's song can speak volumes right here and now in the present moment, even though this song was from the 70s...its resonance is still here.  

Today we are being ASKED TO LISTEN beyond the message of this music. Here we CONFRONT "What's Goin On" --- head on.  We asked that question about 2020.  The Universe is here to answer.

I was called by the Divine to deliver the message to remind you, that with today's life altering reality - we are being called to answer the question of this music.  We must own the truth within each of us to ask the question and see it from the place we are being asked to really examine if we wish to overcome, rise and take on a new rhythmic flow of life.  

Here we actively listen to craft the future, our new reality the way that we must correct life on earth addressing COMPASSION, ACTION, EQUALITY, JUSTICE, PEACE AND LOVE to make a difference to create new history.

Humanity is looking at the meaning of life straight in the eye.
We are feeling things at a higher vibration to prompt us to speak.

It's about time to be heard.

I am here in peace and unity to share a spiritual download.  If you have been following me long enough, you that know my human is rarely in shortage of words, usually overflowing with verbosity, thoughts, and feelings.  But when it comes to channeling to drive points home, my human editing self has to step aside, until the messages are delivered in full -sometimes the point made several ways for different groups of people in ascension to digest it from the place from where they sit.  

Through the past five years such sharing channels through my videos and blogs, I have done it in a way to gently tap you on the shoulder to bring about awareness.

But today, I am going to speak louder in volume - because the COLLECTIVE GRIEF is so strong and Spirit wishes for you to hear the larger message over your own tears/feelings for purpose and reason beyond this moment.  Sometimes collective emotions are so strong that it is overwhelming and takes over the human psyche, digs deep into the soul consciousness and humans are both lost in pain and found in purpose in choosing to rise simultaneously.  It is a hard time, a confusing time in one hand - but we've never had more clarity than we do RIGHT NOW as to doing the RIGHT THING in this moment.  

The Universe is making this known through all we have been experiencing from the start of our Year of Ascension in 2019 to present 2020 energy.   As I stated in my 'channel' back in July 2019, our 'new normal' adjustment period is through 2021.

My job is here to fly above merely interpreting what is going on with what your human views and "translate" the Spiritual BIGGER PICTURE MEANING of the Universe's call beyond what your human eyes are witnessing right now.

Lovely Souls,  my human has too much I wish to say, way too much to acknowledge, address, share and give insight on as my heart breaks feeling all I do right now in our world.  As we stand united to seek justice, find peace, protest in unity and have our voices heard, as we craft our future to try to right wrongs, and come to a place beyond tolerance and understanding, let’s focus our need and the cry of humanity to LINK to compassion, justice, action, equality, peace & love.


We hear “history repeats itself” – and we may be questioning why this has to be so, and what is actually being done to find resolve so that history does not repeat itself again.

2020 has indicated there is 'no more status quo' and we CANNOT and SHOULD NOT return to things that did NOT work for our highest greatest good and for the higher ascension of humanity.

So The Universe had a plan.  We did not like the plan.  Human lives (too many) were lost to awaken the rest of humanity.  But it has happened.  We cannot just sit here and wait for things to return to normal - as that is the point....  It is up to us to create something different.

We must do this to have real progress and change. 

History repeats because not enough people stood up to RISE to DO SOMETHING to actually unite and come together for the real solution to every problem we are currently facing today.

Why is this so?  You see...Acceptance is tricky.  

We must all love and accept each other.  But if we do not address the fact that marginalized communities are given different treatment, acceptance now changes context and 'the way things are' turns into complacency that provides dangerous outcomes.  Hence what we are seeing. 

This is a pressure point, a build-up of residue, a push of water breaking a dam... As I keep saying (and have said through my 200+ blogs and videos) – that YOU have the power to speak up and you are stronger than you know to create change in the world.  But unless you realize this WITHIN YOURSELF, you don’t become part of the SOLUTION.

Here is the answer to all of our problems in the here and now. We've been leading up to this.
People ask WHY it seems we takes two steps forward and three thousand back.

We as society, and as humanity put far too many Band-Aids on things, and words become words rather than real action to fix what was broken or find the real ways to heal and solve problems.

Sometimes we believe we are on a trajectory of progress for change.  People like new, fresh beginnings. But humanity gets lazy and stops fighting for what is right when the work gets hard - they get comfortable in old systems, old ways of doing things or old beliefs.

While one small act of kindness can make a huge world of difference - if we look back to our history books (what is printed anyway, not everything is, much is omitted) - we will see that one huge movement doesn't solve everything if we begin to neglect the follow-through.  Key words here!

We cannot sit back and wait for the world to change; we need to be the ones to do it.
If the demonstrations are any 'sign' of change happening in real time to bring awareness - these demonstrations are gaining attention. This is good. But let's be honest, holding a sign does not change reality. Granted it is beautiful to have a moment of unity; but the real work is in making this stick.

Will this protesting translate into tangible action so that this history does not have to repeat again?  The Universe wants to make sure that people don't just march and then go back to sleep (!), if we don't follow through on said actions and hold accountability for real change for this going beyond demonstrations and its purpose, we've only awakened to the half-way point.

If you think today's worldly events don't affect you or have anything to do with you -
this is where I gently and lovingly say ----- You are wrong. It has to do with ALL OF US in our consciousness to comfort, heal, connect, support, and yes, rise to take action to resolve. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed, I am giving you a giant comforting hug with all you are grappling with emotionally, trying to make sense of mentally, psychologically, and yes, manifesting physically in your own UNREST with our current events in all aspects of what this means on a SPIRITUAL AND HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS LEVEL. I am in this with you and as an empath, feeling it deeper as I deal with energy from the other side.

Now, some more messages from the Spirit realm - Yes, everything happening right now includes YOU and YOUR LIFE and YOUR PEACE WITHIN….

***** pause*****  digest *****
The future of World Peace is reliant and contingent upon how peaceful you feel in this moment.
If you are not feeling peaceful right now, uncomfortable, and are fed up with how things are going, feeling and looking - you are being asked to DO something to make a change.

Is this easy?
Is this comfortable? 

But that is the whole point.

Comfort the disturbed.
Disturb the comfortable.

If we don't do this, things go back to being the same. 

The Universe is asking us to get out of our comfort zones by disturbing us to feel uncomfortable ON PURPOSE, for if we sit in comfort too long, we'll never change, adapt, or resurrect to recreate things to make a better world.

If humanity cannot take action to create solutions and see them through because others are asleep at the wheel, we end up surrendering to feeling helpless and hopeless, waiting on others when the work must be done by all of us.

We are being urged right now, to stand up to do something about these feelings, and this disturbing unrest and push the positivity, as this sends a vibration out to the world.

If millions of people are feeling the same thing, guess what happens?

It's a tidal wave of emotions.  This works both ways - good and bad.  Thus, be conscious.

So we need to be mindful of how we navigate this tidal wave:

*If we focus on making positive change for a better world we are doing what we are supposed to be doing.

*If we get swallowed up and drown in the negative, we'll never get up to fight.

This is where it starts and the outer world you live in becomes an ugly  mirror to the "collective consciousness," and we must stay mindful of this higher consciousness.

We're all shifting and moving now into our NEW REALITY - one that we must step into to try to make different by our hearts, our actions, our words, our thoughts, our feelings and our ultimate compassion and what we do from here. 

So let’s start with ‘what is going on’--------

What WE ARE SEEING RIGHT NOW... is created because truth is rising. 
Granted, this is SAD TRUTH in our world that injustice, prejudice and disjointed broken structures exist, senseless violence and killings; along with an economic decline and a virus that no one quite understands fully in all of it's ever-changing discovered particles of reality.  
If you rise with it and have the energy move you into proactive mode instead of mere reaction, together we can do something about it from taking responsibility for ourselves, our thoughts, actions and feelings about what we do vs. what we don't do.   We can all together collectively create change while turning actions into transformative time periods of productive/constructive history instead of destructive ones.

Read.      That.     Again.

We are in a very important ECLIPSE Season, which encompasses RETROGRADE SEASON and a bunch of planets that are changing and shifting our mind and heart space in the massive energy that is happening:

If you did NOT LISTEN to the ‘download’ from Spirit, and blow this off as some hippy dippy Age of Aquarius strange cosmic YouTube – you are MISSING THE POINT.  This is the package it is delivered in to gently tap you on the shoulder to say "time to wake-up," rather than be a hard, loud alarm clock. 

Listen carefully – it has relevance to what is “going on.”   

I talk about eclipses and retrograde energy coming in to do ONE LAST SWEEP of what you haven't yet dealt with in your heart, your mind's eye, your truth about where you stand with the kind of world you want to live in.  This is an honest Spirit plea... what haven't you addressed within?  

Why does Spirit ask this?  Because if we do not fix ourselves, we are only working at half capacity to fix the world; and yes, we remain part of the 'problem' because we're not walking in our truth of what we know to do to seek peace, love, justice, equality, and have compassion WITH OUR ACTIONS.

What is the bigger message of this 'force' we feel from the cosmos?  

Let's CLEAN UP our thoughts and emotions and go forward with our powerful ability to transform humanity.   

If you thought this was mere spiritual emotional therapy, you were only 1/2 right.   

This is about something BIGGER THAN YOU, but yet a reminder this all BEGINS WITH YOU.... because if we ourselves cannot change, how will we be able to take on the bigger challenge of the greater change?  Do you know the song, "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me?"  If no one gets real about what they need to change within, our external world will reflect our inner reality.
What does this mean?  Lots of facades exist... what happens behind closed doors and what happens out on the street need to be walking in real truth full alignment, not fake exteriors for show.

The Universe HEARD YOUR WORDS.  The Universe HEARD YOUR PRAYERS.  The Universe  HEARD YOUR THOUGHTS.   It knows what you HAVE and HAVE NOT addressed whether you pretend to address things or say that you have.  If there is work to be done, you're going to be shown what that work is in terms of your desires of wanting all you ask for in a world of peace.

Let's look at all of the things that have happened in 2020 in only the first 6 months:

Jobs were taken away, because everyone was too focused on material exterior means for happiness.
We got hit where it hurt for reason because we were shown that the Universe is asking us:
 "Do you work to live or do you live to work - now is the time to address this, and see if the work you are doing is contributing to the bigger picture."

Lives were taken away to show us we need to respect life... EVERYONE needs to really understand the whole context of this - for if we do this - we can CO-EXIST and find the peace we are looking for because WE CREATE IT.  Racism still exists - it's 2020 - we have as humanity have dealing with this far too long.

Health was taken away to show us to not take it for granted. When your whole life crumbles, most people fall back on "Well, at least you still have your health...."  - So the Universe said, let's see what you believe and what else you take for granted.  No one  is invincible - it's time to be responsible.  So COVID-19 (something we have not dealt with before) was not allowing us to 'throw a pill' or 'throw money' at something as an 'instant cure' - but rather kept us all guessing, clueless about "HOW" the virus would make its way into our homes, lives and through each other.  It was here we had to think of more than ourselves, and be responsible in how we respect another's well-being.

In turn ---- all of these events are now showing you that you have an opportunity to do your real inner work, your part to heal yourself so you can pick yourself up by the bootstraps and step into why you're really here. 

I am Divinely Guided to post things in ‘cosmic bits’ in pedestrian terms to not overwhelm your human to grab a bottle of Mylanta. 

However, I was told to take the Band-Aid off of my blogging to air out some new realities and truths we all as a collective must examine, process and understand for the higher mission of humanity.

Now I am being called to say – “here it is” --- digest this as you will.  Together let's arrive in peace, awareness, vision and be mindful as we step forward. 

As I have stated before in previous blogs and videos - there is no 'return to normal.'

Do you now believe this is so?

We are now living in an alternate timeline.  As Back To The Future-esque as this sounds, it is true. We must accept this, adapt and become agile in what our future is going to look like next by being the ones to stand up, speak up and do our part.

Take a step back.  LOOK. LISTEN.  There are parts of our current world you DO recognize (i.e. history repeating itself - in senseless violence, deaths and riots/looting) and parts of your 'new normal' - that you DO NOT recognize at all, living life with a face mask.

The irony is - in putting on your safety face mask, you are ultimately being asked to take off your other mask you wear --- in WHO YOU ARE.  This time of great vulnerability is designed for you to confront your every emotion head on like some cosmic vacuum coming at you to suck out all of your baggage so you can travel along your life's path a little lighter as you address your heavier 'issues.' 

If you have not confronted all of your TRUE SELF principles, core values, ethics, belief systems – and yes, your own healing remnants with WHO YOU REALLY ARE – you will be triggered emotionally, energetically and mentally to force you to LOOK AT what you have adopted in your belief about being part of the change vs. what you think you cannot do.

This blog was about your belief system.  We are all being asked to see the message of what that means.  If you don’t believe you have the power to do something, you are being asked to think again.  One person can spark thousands and if the intention is to create change, change can indeed be created. 

What we are witnessing and participating in now, is a world on the edge of having an opportunity to transform - are you ready??? 

The pure intent of the channel was to shift this self-esteem energy so you can see – if every person believes they can make a difference, when we come together, we can finally stop horrific history from happening and be part of the change.  

However, if everyone still struggles with self-worth issues, insecurities and inner demons, inner rage, lack of understanding, lack of love and compassion, praying only that equality will happen on its own, we need to rethink the fact that those that are still thinking they can't do something, feeling completely hopeless, rather than hopeful by way of acting to move with progressive action to DO BETTER than before, that will manifest in the truth.

So how do we wish to see truth going forward?  Do we want to see history repeat itself – AGAIN, because bottled up emotions, rage and anger turn to violence again?  If the answer is NO, then we need to complete the work.  If there are problems with 'the system' - we can't bury ourselves in distraction hoping it will go away.

If you do not love yourself fully, (we're not talking ego, this is about inner compassion) your compassion for others remains at a stalemate watching said parade of life go by without your valuable contribution to what this is about. 


Bigger issues are happening in our world right now.  We cannot escape this fact. 

If you have done inner shadow work, then you won’t be upset about petty mundane things about your coffee being wrong, or whine about what your ego is too wrapped up in to see for yourself,  and instead focus on the bigger issues that can and will change the world.

If we leave 2020 without learning anything, we didn't see the purpose of this entire year's wake-up call reality.  Let's digest that for a second and ask ourselves if we want to redo 2020 again.

If your answer is NO, then...Let's dial it back a few blogs ago...

When I asked all of you WHO ARE YOU DURING QUARANTINE?  ----- 

Were you someone who chose to save lives by flattening the curve to stay home, or were you out there spreading your germs feeling invincible as you dismissed being careless about others, because your ego fought logic and worse, ego was heartless?

Did you do something, anything – pray, help a neighbor or comfort anyone?

Or did you fight with people you were quarantined with (including yourself and your mind's determination) - and see something beyond the human existence to tap into what matters about your soul work and humanity from a different place? 

The reality of the silver lining of COVID-19, was here to help you (!) reconnect to who you really are and recognize what surfaced by staying in and going within. The good, the bad, the ugly, warts and all were meant to be seen, and worked on.

Yes, it was about action to care about others, not selfishly defy what it is your ego wanted to do – you had to think about yourself, your health and in turn HONOR other people’s health and well-being also...not just loved ones but a world of strangers. If you have self-care/self-love, then it is demonstrated by your actions in your external.

How well did you do?

Have you succeeded in being diligent as you carefully bring your human self out into the world again? 

Have you practiced self-compassion so you can grow your compassion and strength to honor others?

When we had the economic slam…. what did you do?  Did you fight yourself in panic mode?  Did you combat worry?  Did you try to help yourself, find an alternative livelihood, trying to help yourself and your business colleagues, friends or disseminate information to help others or are you sitting and just complaining?  Did you attempt to seek co-existence here - in working together with others to find solutions?  Are you reinventing/adapting/re-creating ways to do business?  Did you diligently stay informed, educated while fighting for others and yourself to share what you learned? Did you make a purchase from a business to help, even if you didn't have all that much financially to do more? Did you call your local governments/officials, did you lend your voice to wake up people to do something collectively for the community? 

Now ----- with the senseless, tragic homicide of George Floyd and the many other lives lost before him and after him in previous history, current history in this week alone, and by the hour (!)  sadly even after I publish this----- we must digest the real truth of the streets everywhere.  There is so much racism and injustice.  We are seeing so much happening in contrast with the peaceful protests fighting for justice and honoring lives of marginalized communities, and also the chaos erupting to try to disrupt it.

I send peace and blessings to everyone who is struggling/suffering and needing to grieve, process and take a moment to resurrect soulfully to get their human up to fight for equality. I get it... I do... and the collective vibration of emotion is high.

For those who are doing this (responsibly with face masks, with quiet calm, but with loud voice and marching to fight for justice) – these are the folks who were awakened to realize they could DO SOMETHING. 

For those who are feeling things and seeing that what they believed from past generations that they couldn’t do something are now being asked to do something.  People who were raised in homes of bigotry, or racism are being woken up in the same breath that BIPOC homes have long-lived and have been swimming upstream to be accepted, heard, and received.  

Here people are confronting emotions again and it sadly took more precious lives to be lost, and the constant injustice that follows to get people to finally speak out, stand for something…. Or go beyond these parameters to do something.

But let's be clear, even if the ‘something’ you do right now is to shatter what beliefs were 'transferred onto you' that you know in your gut/soul are wrong from your grandparents/parents' own fears or misconceptions - now is your time to break out to do what you know is the right thing.

Perhaps in the days of your ancestors, they did not wish to rock the boat or only knew to believe/feel/do/not do based on the generational transference before them.  Now is the time to remove LIMITED thinking and step into light and love. Open your heart and eyes to see we are humans with souls taking up rental space in our flesh puppets for a limited time to do SOUL WORK for the greater good of humanity --- but we cannot 'block' this by allowing our humans to be ignorant to the work that must be done to erase old ways of thinking.  I have heard from so many about how they are coming to terms with breaking through these barriers of seeing there is more work to be done. 

Sitting in fear means you are sitting in the work that still needs to be done within you.
Resistance to change means you don’t wish to be part of the process of your actual life purpose to do something bigger than YOU. 

For me, as a woman of color, born within a culture that conditions women to have a suppressed voice, with U.S. Japanese Internment Camp parents who sacrificed so much, I see things from sooooo many angles and I stand united in the voices raising the vibration of diversity and inclusion equality, fighting for justice and ending cycles that do not serve us any longer as a society, as humanity, as earthly beings and souls in ascension.

You are being asked to take a step to back to SEE, LISTEN and UNDERSTAND YOUR ROLE in YOUR TOMORROW.

I want to say this in full support, love, acknowledgment and encouragement to my BIPOC brothers and sisters who are struggling with their voice to be heard.  You are here and you matter for purpose more than you know. Yes, you matter.  Yes, you have support.  Those of us who all have the same page wish list of co-existence, peace and justice, you are now here to help change history and you are not alone, we are all in support in this with you --- and it is time to change history for the better by now taking what has happened and turning into moment in the new alternate timeline to change humanity's future in how we all relate, see, feel, connect, and come together to understand, HEAR and digest some hard truths of what was not corrected before.

Humanity rises to challenge what is and what isn't - and our place now is to be thoughtful, compassionate, mindful and careful about how we craft our new future together.

I remember back in the late 80s/90s there was the brand of clothing called United Colors of Benetton. They had very edgy advertising uniting everyone of all races together in their ads. Some of the ads were very controversial. 

One year, (and this sums up 2020) - they had an ad in Glamour Magazine with just one roll of toilet paper and their brand.   

So Spirit asks us to review the COMMON GROUND we all share as humans:

If we didn't find equality during COVID-19, a virus that didn't discriminate; and we didn't find common ground in our search for hand sanitizer or during the toilet paper shortage....  how in the world did we go from this place of all being in something together united to becoming DIVIDED with racism rearing its horrific head again in our history books?

Spirit asks us to review and reflect upon this to find the answers.   

The Universe says, "I create Tsnamis, fires, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, and hurricanes to show humans that nature can become the equalizer; COVID-19 became the equalizer; economic decline hitting everyone's livelihood became an equalizer with the largest numbers of unemployment and business destruction in history - so if you humans are not answering your wake-up calls - when are you going to finally address racism and injustice, something that has been rampant and not resolved?"  


As I empathically feel everything on all levels I am trying to balance on all cylinders simultaneously, it's challenging to articulate concisely the non-stop stream of downloads from Spirit and all that is in my human heart simultaneously.

The collective message... it is my duty to deliver in truth, but it is HUGE, Lovely Souls.  
My soul and higher lightworker empathic self is feeling things within other realms of consciousness as I navigate all of these places at the same time to help the collective shift, change, adapt, and grow, and proactively take responsibility as we take our next steps. 

Living through the 1992 riots and the Rodney King incident was a historic moment for me as a second generation native Californian and Los Angeleno.  As I reflect back on this time, I remember what I felt with what horrific ripple of events which occurred with the beating of Rodney King, and witnessing L.A. burn down, the uproar, the violence.

As history repeats itself, I am seeing that the feelings we are feeling this time are the same, yet roaring louder with more of an uproar in the emotions, which are running higher BECAUSE we are seeing HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF. 

Are we fed up yet?  Take a look around.... what do you see?   The Universe sees that we are....

Is there is a difference NOW in what humans are choosing to DO this time and WILL WE PREVENT THIS again?  

If we all had done our jobs the first time, we wouldn’t be seeing what we are experiencing now, but it is here we have OPPORTUNITY TO DO BETTER.

What Spirit is asking us to do now is to unite consciousness for positive movement in changing our world on all planes - which is why we watched our 2020 year crumble so many way.

But to gain even higher perspective - we need to look back to Planet Earth and the human elementary level for which we used to live.  ALL EVENTS we may have blown off or dismissed prior to present day, we need to see as "signs" or 'messages' of a "shift that was on its way."

Trust in this - every event we witness is a wake-up call step to SOMETHING more than we believe.

Let's get pedestrian... and simplify this for couch potato wake-up calls:

Here we examine some news events, and big bold cosmic energy shifts which prompted changes/moves, while we address change, transformation, grief, pain, reaction and action as we started 2020.  

When Meghan & Harry left the U.K. it made headlines.  But people DID NOT SEE the purpose of their actions.  Instead media made this historic move more of a pop-culture Paparazzi-laced tabloid-ish kind of thing of rebellion rather than the purposeful move of what it was really all about.

The 'surface level' human only sees this as is.... and what Divine is now asking for is to look beyond the surface for the deeper meaning and message we were being presented. 

From an interracial marriage, a social class labeling and royalty position making a radical move was to say “Let’s break old molds, let's move past staying in obligatory lanes here to be truthful with what authentically resonates.”  Did anyone see this?   

That was a wake-up call. Fly high above and look at it from this space.  You will begin to understand better.  The Universe first hooked us with 'the fairytale wedding' in a familiar story with a twist of hope that could resonate in digestible human context to get everyone connected 'in their feels' about an interracial royal couple making their own historic statement.

Notice we thrive to see LOVE and BE LOVE and EMBODY LOVE and CELEBRATE LOVE.

But what happened after this? 

People judged.  They distributed labels (good and bad). 

But here's the thing... when we put labels on people - we deny people the opportunity to be seen by others beyond said labels. Labels become dangerous, Lovely Souls... like a domino effect of transference because people LINK to absolutes by way of labels. 

Does anyone see this?

Why do you think judgment, goldfish bowl living and scrutiny took its toll on Meghan trying to contort herself into a mold everyone expected her to conform to when she was trying with her own flourish to put her own 'voice' to her role?  The same thing she was praised for, she was later judged for.  It is hard to not be given the freedom to be your true self if you permit/allow the rest of society to define you, judge you and coerce you to fit some mold or some box based on 'tradition' or 'the way things have always been done and by way of protocol' - when our world shifts in new directions and structure that was once valued, also needs to adapt/change/grow/become more than it was for the sake of forward movement.

Thus the move. She was not going to let others dictate/define - rather when then the couple united to create a new future, the 'move' was literal in all senses of the word.  

If you did not see it as a statement or a lesson- you missed the point.  If you only saw the media headlines and not the 'real message' from the Universe, I am here now to bring this to light for you.

Why did the Universe show you this with them?  Your head was buried in your phone or you were glued only to your computer or your TV.  You never looked up, so your life lesson from the Universe played out on the devices because that is where your attention was focused.

All of this was not so much about them as it is as to what was TRIGGERED IN YOU and what you chose to see from it... and more importantly how you define your life to do what is right with your truth with your path based on what you allow/permit vs. what you defy/change and transform yourself.  It is only when ALL OF US DO THIS, can we do this together on a larger worldly scale.

Was society superficially focused and fixated on ratings, sensationalism and the upset of so much change with this action that it became some cartoon caricature of its own purposeful action?   

Digest that for a minute - and think about it from where YOU stand.

EVERYTHING has a purpose and reason...bigger than you take at face value.  Everything, even in things we 'blow off' that we see/hear/witness... if it is to resonate to trigger YOUR TRUTH of PERCEPTION.... then it has done its purpose.  Your day-to-day events have meaning and purpose.   If it has not yet awakened you, you will be shown again something else to have you address what you need to feel. This is why I am here with Linkronicity - Where Your Journey & Destiny LINK - to link this together for you to not only realize, but self-actualize in UNDERSTANDING that we as humanity our trying to deal with past contracts of lifetimes to course correct our future in how we relate, how we act, how we connect and how we choose to create a better world.

When 2020 started, and everyone was doing their 'status quo' New Year's Resolutions, self-absorbed in daily living, the Universe said "WAIT, Not this again - not so fast people."

Therefore we got another wake up call.

Kobe Bryant tragically died.  This out-of-nowhere tragedy woke up those from their TV comas to have their jaws dropped.  We watched swarms of people uniting to mourn his loss, which seemed like a shock to the system, and people were in disbelief.  

As Coronavirus was starting to invade it's own viral swirl, people still traveled by plane from all over the world with the mission/intention to come to L.A., gather in front of Staples Center for purpose and reason.  This purpose and reason was not totally defined for everyone, all anyone knew was that they were still grappling to understand and make sense of the tragic senseless shock, as they processed and excavated emotional heartbreak they have not experienced like before enough to get them to move forward to DO something, even if they did not know what that was, and even if it was just to SHOW UP. 

Thus, activation of realization.

Was this the beginning of yet another wake-up call?  

Were people suddenly wanting to connect with other humans and get off their phones for just a second, unite, be together to UNDERSTAND things TOGETHER? 

What would Kobe say seeing the riots right now, or George Floyd's homicide and the tragic losses of lives that followed, and the destruction and chaos?  
I'm calling out to you people who started your year with your awakening, wondering if you are now in these peaceful protests about injustice taking action. 

What would all of the people who died senselessly from COVID-19 say about the meaning and value of human life, witnessing what has happened with the tragic deaths due to violence?   

What would they say about the racism happening now in this 'divide' when we were meant to find common ground via COVID?   Did we learn nothing? 
For many sports fans, idolization loss was for a purpose to have you see where your values resided within in how you value someone, the lives touched by one life, and what ripple/domino effect said actions would demonstrate to how you craft your future from said 'moment in time' incident to change you.

This was a Universal shout-out to many hearts and souls who never knew the man other than seeing him on TV, to have compassion for what he did while he was here on this planet.  

His soul sacrifice in dying this year was to trigger a ‘heart-centric compassionate’ space to see beyond his human/soul, mistakes and truimphs, challenges and overcoming within his own mission of purpose– so you can dig within YOUR OWN SOUL to FEEL and RECONNECT with what you lost in your status quo – everyday living on a hamster wheel to nowhere, blind or suppressing your own thoughts, feelings, beliefs about how you somehow disconnected from your real self.  He compacted a whole lot of action and living into his short life. 
Did it make you re-evaluate YOURS?  Or did you dismiss the soundbites of coverage as 'oh, that's so sad' and return to eating your cereal and carry on with your hamster wheel life? 

What we were supposed to witness in this moment that people all over the world who were not sports fans, never watched a game, etc. or even were on opposing fandoms of OTHER teams were triggered to fly out, gather, come, pay respect and answered some sort of magnetization of a call to do so, even if they didn't fully grasp WHY.  But it was designed to do this for a bigger purpose.

All human life and loss is purposeful to trigger YOU... to look at what matters to you and to see what you have missed doing/thinking/feeling - but are you recognizing this?

So then the Universe watched people during COVID binge watch TV when everything was falling apart -- and when enough grief, shock, fear and anxiety, panic buying and frenzy started to fizzle, people then just got lazy again, and missed the true reason for this.

Therefore another wake-up call.  Sadly George Floyd’s senseless homicide brought things to light that this could be in our backyard, our neighborhood, something happening to our friend, our coworker, our family member.  His death is a tragedy that is the catalyst for unfinished business we all must rise to challenge in his honor and all of the lives lost by what we must stand correct and change. 

As people all over the world gather to mourn his loss be it in large group gatherings or online - this time it is not for an athlete/celebrity, but for an everyday man, our brother that now is known worldwide and while George Floyd's name is now a known household name. We are seeing things from a different context of more work to be done in our own communities.  This unfortunate tragedy has now challenged all of us to create change, this has sparked and prompted people to unite in the same breath to DO SOMETHING with the hope of creating ACTION.  We must honor him by what we choose to do next in our next steps. 

Whether or not you have marched in #BlackLivesMatter events or are dealing with those in law enforcement who feel as if the horrific actions of a few taint the rest who are not of that mindset/action, you are being asked to pay attention in your own community to ask the hard questions.  You are being asked to educate yourself to understand what a real community looks like and how you unite your efforts to be the solution. 

Thousands of people are FEELING what they now need to feel in order to prompt action, even if they do not get up off the couch.  If you are writing letters or making phone calls to have your voice heard doing whatever it is you can, this is great.   For those who are still processing emotions, this is still taking some sort of action to finally confront at last - what the heck you've suppressed in your own world of injustice, so that you can evolve in this altered timeline to reconcile what it is that you have not yet addressed.  This also helps the 'collective' in our mutual energies to continue rising, whether you realize it or not. 

Along with this racial injustice, we humans have been working through the thousands of COVID-19 deaths ----- far too many lives lost all around the world, thousands in our own neighborhoods.  Too many names that are UNKNOWN to the world - but are now on the other side watching to see what we do with the life we have here now.  

If you have lost someone due to COVID-19, or your family was affected, what are you doing now to understand WHY this happened to your family and what are you being awakened to see?  

Do you now, no longer take human life for granted?  Do you value life differently?

If this is true - how are you looking at the death and value of the human life lost with George Floyd and countless others?  

Are you seeing a LINK between all that has happened to connect all of it to the same comprehension of valuing human life, truth, justice, owning who you are, asking yourself the big hard questions, defining yourself by who you want to become with what 2020 has presented us to wake up to see, feel, experience and choose to transform in this alternate timeline?

What are you re-evaluating now about LIFE in terms of your own - and the lives of others who die, be it by this virus or any other means of disease, homicide tragedy or incident? There were firefighters who died putting out blazes of the riots/looting, other people lost their lives trying to find justice.   Life and Death... The Universe is making a plea to pay attention.

When we sit in a place of  honoring of human life paths --- those we know and those we don't, we are really being called to UNDERSTAND our own purpose and WHY we do - as in, why we are called to action with what does resonate vs. what doesn't resonate.  


All of the deaths that have happened this year were designed to wake you up to LIFE that remains here now - yours and others.
Many felt ‘helpless’ because of the invisible disease that could invade during quarantine, which prompted economic decline, job loss, the loss of so many lives in 2020 – more than we’ve seen in a long time; but now we are seeing a different kind of ‘outbreak.’


Racism is not invisible. This is the point. It's here and has been here.  While with COVID it was hard to fight something we cannot SEE, senseless killing,violence and racism is something we're staring at everyday.  Will we fight to conquer it with the same dedication?

What people are tired of right now is injustice and we are feeling a sense of loss and lack of trust in what we were taught to believe, we are seeing humanity experience the action of rising.

What stays bottled up will soon explode.  This is what we are seeing now on all fronts.

If you only believe that you are waiting here for this ‘nightmare’ altered timeline to go away…. THINK AGAIN. 

When I did the 2019 videos on “your new normal” and “rising to the next level” and “Inner healing link series”….   These “channels” from the other side were not meant to only be made into YouTube videos for you to watch and then go back to your normal life.

As you know, my ego is not wrapped up in followers or subscribers. I am personally answering as a conduit channel; as I know from higher realms that my work is purposeful no matter who it reaches; it is a soul responsibility, my calling, a catalyst to nudge - whomever is reading, digesting silently and privately ---- All I care about is that these necessary messages reach someone to start the ripple.  If it reaches you and you are ACTIVELY LISTENING and DIGESTING and better yet, APPLYING, my purposeful work is doing what it is meant to do.

If you wish to actually share it to help someone besides yourself - kudos for your generosity in wanting to help someone else.

It is not easy to wake people up in translating these messages... I do not wish for anyone to feel as if they are overwhelmed.  However, as I am asked to create this content for those who are GENUINELY INTERESTED IN GROWTH AND AWARENESS, I am hoping it lights you up to be proactive.

If you are - Thank you.... by doing so, you're taking self-responsibility to change yourself.   This helps the world one person at a time, and my human does acknowledge your support.  Thank you.

Anyway, with all that has happened - I say to you - If you were not triggered then – you were not awakened. 

If you were triggered and did not take action on yourself to heal – I honestly ask you... When do you think you will be worth what were you waiting for to resolve? 

We’re tired of being sick and tired, tired of seeing death, and even more tired of seeing homicide, injustice and yes, how racism is in a world where people would love to believe PEACE is the answer.

Yet, peace has not yet found our world yet to where there is a world without pain, loss, grief, and racism – we have yet to have a world of CO-EXISTENCE. 

Therefore, what is happening is that this lack of understanding within the human psyche to ‘make sense of the senseless,’ the soul’s conquest to stand for the reason it came here on earth to take up rental space in a human flesh puppet (which has an expiration date, HELLO?!) --- things are showing up in DIFFERENT manifestations of action….both darkly negative, unfathomable, and in some cases positive, but we’re seeing the push toward an evolution within a revolution that is about transformation and change in areas that need fixing.   

Some are feeling so much compassion and the love to believe in what we do still believe and stand for, and to do our part whatever that is…. Whether it is marching and voicing in protest, or sweeping up broken glass, boarding up places, or bringing food to those who are out there doing all these things, or distributing information, telling the stories, sharing the scenes to get others off the couch.  
But it takes more than that.  It takes more than just obeying curfew, still being mindful of COVID, still taking care of ourselves, loved ones, community, and business recovery.

Diversity & Inclusion means that…. And I challenge everyone to rise to embrace what this means.
WHY do you think Ancestry.com and 23 and Me exist?  

You are NOT who you think you are... simply put.

Why do I share the 'channeled messages' ...?

It is here to awaken you to what you do not understand regarding the purpose of who you are and why you are with where you are and what you can do.

Notice the timing of how people started to gravitate out of curiosity, or gag-worthy #trending  to ‘wanting to know where they came from’ --- and in which these things started gaining traction to LEAD UP TO 2020? 

Do you think this is an accident?  

Don’t kid yourself.  It was DESTINED.  It was part of the Divine Plan. If XYZ% of you is of another race/culture.... perhaps more self-compassion can now take root for your compassionate action to try to CO-EXIST in a way you did not before and understand we are flesh and blood, human and soul, mind and heart.  Just saying... thanks, Universe.

If you are clueless as to the purpose of what this was about – it was to raise eyebrows within your own belief system about what you were TOLD you were to embrace WHO you are and to also HELP OTHERS who have been living in denial of false identities or assumptions.

Lovely Souls, assumptions are what CAUSE racism, prejudice, bigotry and judgment. If you staunchly believed you were 100% of anything only because you were TOLD that is who you were – well, think again unless you have proof--- Otherwise you are merely SHEEP adopting a false-truth and crafting your whole world/life around this - when you were meant to be here for a reason bigger than you know.

There are pieces of us walking in every human we meet or don't meet.
In every heart beating, we are there.

If you have not seen the LINK to how that connects, it's time to pay attention, but it is why I am here to raise a voice and to share with the world – exactly what the heck the ROOT CAUSE is for the problems we need to fix.   

Most people have found they are NOT 100% of any ethnicity (self-included), rather they are a melting pot of cultures they didn’t even know existed. 

The question is ------- Have you accepted and totally embraced this truth to unite with the collective mind of when I say NAMASTE (we are one )?

If you haven’t, then you cannot accept others in the light your human claims it can, it begins WITHIN YOU FIRST – then you have the ability to say “Hey, this AFFECTS ME” – and I am part of this problem and I can be part of this solution.

HERE – we can unite.

There is a feeling of asking “What’s going on?” – 

When the same question is asked, “What can I do to help?”   

Everyone wants to be part of a solution for things even they may not fully understand or have not experienced themselves or in their own homes…. Yet it hits home.

The thing we have to overcome is labels, assumptions and racism in order for CO-EXISTENCE to actually manifest into the peace everyone says they want.  

I can say that, because when the Coronavirus outbreak happened, I experienced it directly (and not the first time). I am third generation Japanese American  – BUT all that some people in my community could see was that because I am Asian, that somehow, some way, ‘my people’ were responsible for COVID-19. Granted our leaders labeling it (and society believing it) did NOT help, nor create a solution.   Assumptions were made when no one bothered to ask me my name or understand that I personally had nothing to do with the virus, but it was ignorance that spurred the racism.

*** And I bring this relevant example to you to SEE how swiftly assumptions are made without facts - and this is why things in history are repeating again.  

For all of my brothers and sister in all BIPOC communities, we understand how labeling, profiling and assumptions lead to constant upstream existence in getting voices to be heard and for action to be taken to change reality.  Though those words are not so easy to bring into the reality of realized action and our own self-actualization of knowing how we LINKING TO COMPASSION, ACTION, EQUALITY, JUSTICE, PEACE AND LOVE.

All of the above is a start, but will it be enough?  Will it manifest into greater realms from prayers, thoughts and wishes from the 5D to the 4D to what we see now in the 3D… and how well, history keeps repeating itself. 

Homicide is wrong. Racism is wrong. Violence is wrong. Stealing/Looting is wrong. 

This we know.  But it has not gone away.  What are we trying to do to understand it?

Assumptions are wrong, but that has not gone away either.

So Lovely Souls – WHO, WHAT, WHERE, AND WHEN will we correct what is wrong and HOW will we make peace a reality, co-existence a reality, and yes, our own LINKING TO COMPASSION, ACTION, EQUALITY, JUSTICE, PEACE AND LOVE a reality ---- what will have to happen TO CHANGE the world, if we are not able to proactively change the actions of all people who do the wrong things? 

  • Can enough of the right things make things right?  
  • Can enough of the wrong things make humans rise to make things right?  It remains to be seen.  We thought so before – YET history is repeating itself.
  • So what will and what can we do to make history NOT REPEAT? 
  • Do you have the answers? 
  • Will you take action?
  • What does that look like?
Peaceful protests have always been about having a voice.  Just as many find theirs to stand up, speak out and believe in a fight for something, a select group of people are acting out in the opposite fashion, not peaceful, causing violence, destruction and simply more unrest.

Let’s look at WHY people are burning buildings and looting - are they are trying to regain some sense of power and is it just manifested differently?
What many are missing and not seeing is that as history is being created again right now …
Make no mistake people ----- this is not just to kill more trees to create more pages in history books based on the unfathomable numbers of deaths of people… This is a WAKE UP CALL to change this so we don't have to write about all of this again.   

Question is ----- WILL HUMANITY TRULY WAKE UP ENOUGH TO DO MORE than has been done before? 

  • ·       We need answers
  • ·       We seek solutions
  • ·       We are wanting justice
  • ·       We have hope for what active voices can do …
·       But we also need tangible actions so this won’t happen again 28 years from now and again and again and again since HUMAN existence throughout VOLUMES of HISTORY?    


·       More importantly – what is being triggered within your emotions and psyche now to DEAL WITH IT AND CONFRONT IT?

What is happening in our world on so many different levels appears disorganized and unjust and in the words of Marvin Gaye we dare to ask again,“What’s Goin’ On?” 

It is here we see that the Universe is asking HUMANS this question to prompt action and CHANGE for the better. 

How many EGOS are standing in the way of making the change?

As we process our emotions, our sadness, our grief, our thoughts on a future that is uncertain, in 1992 – we had hoped the world would change.

As we look at 2020 – has it changed?   Will these protests be enough to make the changes we want them to make with these protests?  

As we listen to Marvin Gaye’s 70s song did we think this song would be relevant to a 2020 world that has not changed the way he had envisioned singing this song? 

We now have all of this happening simultaneously in the same breath as COVID-19, economic uncertainty and a ‘new normal.’

But how far have we come…. ?  What real solution-based actions are being taken? 

We are seeing a swell of compassion as people take to the streets to protest the murder of George Floyd in peaceful protest.  

I guess my bigger question is ----where will we go from here in ACTION?

The fires, violence and looting are not the answer to anything, this we know – BUT is anyone going to address WHY this is happening, and find out “WHAT” is behind these actions?

Do these people feel so angry, frustrated, hopeless and lost about our state of being in the world they are acting out in order to get more people off their behinds to SEE the truth?  

Let’s remember, people react and process emotions differently… but do we understand “What’s Goin’ On? 

Violence does not help the cause, it just spurs more unrest.  Yet the chaos itself is a scream and yes, even a cry for help for something more.  Do you hear the cry?

Do we recognize when love isn't present?

Let's examine that a tad deeper, shall we?  

When love isn't present, (within a human, either because they don't love themselves or weren't shown what that looks like and have manifested their human to be the opposite of their soul's truth cuz they can't deal with what's real)..... we see it right in front of us. 

So I ask you, IS LOVE ENOUGH?   
Can it heal the world?   
Can it bring peace to an unjust world?

Human compassion if exercised correctly would address the need for all humans to be ‘understood’ or not be ‘misunderstood’ or ‘invisible’ or ‘hopeless’ or ‘helpless’ or ‘so frustrated and angry’ – OR mislabeled - that it manifests itself into unsavory actions that harm others when the whole point is moot.

As Marvin Gaye sings ‘only love can conquer hate.’ 

Is love enough?  Is compassion enough? Is action enough?

I ask this to have YOU ponder YOUR ANSWERS.

What we need to pull back to see is that humans like to control something, particularly when they feel out of control.  Walking a tightrope of controlling vs. being out of control is part of why the Universe is having us see contrast.

If a human RESTS in complacency and normalcy of certainty with lack of confrontation, eventually the human goes mad when PUSHED TO CHANGE/SHIFT (with total world disruption)– and this energy turns destructive to hate themselves so much they have to act out in violence to others OR……….. they STEP UP and STEP IN and DO SOMETHING.  

This is no different from the bad cops to the rowdy rioters – causing harm is where love did not do enough to evolve to STOP a human’s action to NOT HARM.  Let's look at the base problem from both a clinical, and emotional space; then rise above to see it from a different place to find solutions.

Reaction is a trigger – a knee-jerk response to what needs examining – not just clinically for the emotional and mental state, but also from WHAT IS NOT HEALED in order to ACT CORRECTLY and for POSITIVE CHANGE, instead of taking out or causing blame or letting assumptions to override the truth within that NO ONE seems to want to confront head-on.

Being accountable for one's actions takes far more than responsibility.  How many apologies can bring back a life?   IT CANNOT.  It is not enough and this is why everyone is marching, but it is even bigger than justice being served, it is more of a cry for racism to be banished - as we're in 2020.
If we have not learned from history.... what are we really doing?

So aren't we all being asked about what solutions can be implemented and what course of action must be taken at this stage of constant repeat, to change the cycle?  

If these people who caused death, caused violence, caused murder, caused fires, caused chaos were loved enough as children, would it have changed their actions as adults?

The Universe asks us to ask this so that the next generation doesn't take on transference.
How do we define harm within ourselves if exorcised and inflicted on innocent others? 

Is the intention to cause harm?   What do you believe? How many teachable moments must we have in  life to finally learn/continue to educate/grow -and manifest this gained wisdom into improving upon systems, structures, and action-oriented for the positive change.

Is violence a way some individuals reclaim power in some way, a loss of self-control, exerting and exorcising insecurities, manifesting inner demons of fear, yet the end-result is violence, chaos, fires, looting and in the case of victim George Floyd... whose life was taken because racism overrode a cop's imbalance in which power/rage mismanaged and created tragedy.

While we all are in unison saying this cannot repeat - what is society doing about it?

Here we ask for answers.  You are invited to ponder yours.

Just like when shelves were bare for food and farmers were disposing of food --- wake-up call here - there is an obvious solution, an obvious answer but what was being done about it to create the bridge?

As for the riots, this violence hurts people, businesses and livelihoods, communities and neighborhoods, compromises safety and well-being, it creates PTSD for all people not just innocent children who do not understand/or know how to process what they hear outside their windows or see on TV. It's a trigger for adults who have lived this over and over and over again.

What will we do for the current state of humanity now?  What will happen to this next generation of children who are now psychologically traumatized from 2020 alone?   If we don't take care of THIS now, yes, history will sadly repeat itself. 

The flip-side of this is humans holding candlelight vigils, marching in peace and justice protests, people are making themselves useful, sweeping, washing, repairing, uniting to fix their communities, neighborhoods and uniting together to save what was destroyed.  

What also happens from this, is the people who have been silent use their voice. 

The people who have not stood for something, stand up.

But Lovely Souls - we cannot stop here.... we just can't.  

When people become bothered and get so uncomfortable in their own skin, they begin to own who they are or questioned who they believed the have told themselves they are, and face who they want to become by doing just that in their own excavation of their soul to be a better human; or well, be a worse one and then be confronted with the demons they now must face so they can ultimately heal which prompted their actions in the first place. 

What I am I bringing to light here?   Everyone is here to take a harder look at themselves.
I had the honor to be the publicist for “Straight from the Streets” – the documentary produced by Keith O’Derek and Robert Corsini about rap and hip hop culture as it begins storytelling with the 1992 L.A. Riots and ends with the Million Man March of 1995.

What people who don’t live here know, is that our community does come together, sweeping up, cleaning up, showing up, and it is here that LaLaLand births art, amid the horrific, daily survival in said streets of war, violence, unjust, shame and poverty, and continuous warrior living.  The documentary has become recommended viewing in some school districts, it won a Santa Monica Moxie Award.  The pure heart intention behind the film was to bring to light what the producers shot in the trenches, showing how there was so much more that the news stations DID NOT COVER. That was the birthing of saying “This is what you don’t know and what you didn’t see and how it connects, so we’re going to show you.”

I remember having conversations with the producers about how there were other things happening ‘behind the scenes’ of what news stations would show, how the storytelling of reality could alter or change or even trigger perception about culture, race and SEE THINGS from a new light.  

What many failed to see or understand at the time of the 1992 riots was that there were changes in other avenues of the human spirit being navigated.  But in some aspects America disallowed complete transformation, because here we are again.  

Over time, society rarely poured more love, compassion and attention into maintaining or advancing the change, and at the time it is happening was because we are so focused on the bad/negative/destructive rather than the proactive/positive and constructive.

The Million Man March of 1995 was designed to bring awareness.  It did.  Perhaps, this is WHY we are seeing what we are seeing NOW as a sad sequel aftermath that shouldn't have to be if we came to some sort of resolve for racism and equality.

What I learned in being the publicist for Urban Graffiti live poetry slam in the aftermath period that followed, was the inner psychological need for artistic expression be it through spoken word, written word, music and yes, tagging to declare some sort of self-expression that has been suppressed to be self-actualized and realized in a different context where past injustices have occurred, because those who ARE in a position of power (don't misinterpret that- this means everyone together), are not being loud enough to provide the safe haven of Co-Existence for EVERYONE. 

Compartmentalization labeling helps no one, unless we use it for positive acknowledgment and recognition to provide EQUALITY across the board of all races, gender, sexual identity, disability (the handicapable), social, religious, socioeconomic to bring about positive change for the betterment of our world.   We really have SO MUCH WORK TO DO.

For those who do a lot of introspection and spiritual work – you know that what doesn’t get resolved the first time, comes back around again and will again until it is resolved once and for all.  

Spirit called me to share these lenses WITH YOU SO YOU CAN CHOOSE to find your solidarity with where you see the world with your perception, your view, how the seriousness of the bigger issues need the voices, the justice and the change; while we also need to pay attention to other cause/effect actions that are screaming for something louder.

If we have emotional UNREST, we are IGNORING the fact we have souls who are unsettled.

Therefore, are we addressing it in a way to resolve, comfort and add a place to rest safely while simultaneously acknowledging how actions, change and resolve need to happen so we don’t keep repeating cycles of history?   Are we challenging ‘systems’ or should I say ‘the system’ to proactively (and truly) HEAL what is wrong and broken? 

We can be the solution with inclusion, we can be the solution with diversity, we can be the solution with reconstructing old systems – not just ‘the system’ but also the belief system within ourselves that we can’t do anything. 

You are seeing once again that this is false perception – you are not helpless, YOU CAN make a difference.  We CAN do something…. We CAN DO OUR PART wherever we are, with what we have with what we can and create the change that has to be so much more powerful than LINKING TO COMPASSION, ACTION, EQUALITY, JUSTICE, PEACE AND LOVE with the efforts we each can do every day starting with ourselves and how we think, act, change things and get uncomfortable for a while in order to course correct what has to happen next. 

I am sending so much love, light, healing, blessings and compassion to this truth I have shared with the hope that you will share this with others who need to wake up; with hope you are part of the change.  If anything I have provided above helps you shift your own perception or open YOUR HEART AND MIND to something bigger than yourself, I would love to know.  Please go to Linkronicity.com and drop me a message.   Thank you.

With gratitude, peace, and infinite love to you Lovely Souls. Stay healthy, safe and I wish you a HAPPY AWAKENING INTO ACTION and I am with you.

Stacey Kumagai