Thursday, August 18, 2022



There are several humans with leaf blowers outside.  It is not autumn just yet, but leaves are dropping as if the season has already arrived.  

While the trees are not sensing that marketers are already planning to push the upcoming pumpkin spice fill-in-the-blank frenzy early, the California drought, high temps and such have created parched trees with the leaves falling away in massive quantities.

Yet, like all of Mother Nature aligning with the Cosmos, there is a thickness in the air that apparently appears to be right on time.

Several things are happening in the Universe right now pushing all of us a few degrees off-kilter, but it is for a purpose we may not yet understand, which ultimately is for purpose also.

If we were able to see too many things in advance, it may change our free will, further pushing us off the trajectory of change. Yet nature seems to know that is already happening, with things in motion and a quiet movement that at times for the impatient go-getters of the world feeling as if coffee isn’t kicking in.  Though, rest assured it is…. And with that a low-grade fever-like pitch of movement.

I was urged from the Divine to blog without answer, without remedy or solution to address this funky lull that the collective is feeling.  I asked “Why waste space doing this without some sort of end point?”

To my surprise, I was told “Because that is the point and people have to ‘get it’ as the point, they’re all so focused on immediate gratification, they’ve missed the point, the world has become impatient, needing instant answers and that is why they’re missing the point that is even grander than that point itself…. See the point?”

Whoa. Okay.  So I am being called to blog about this to make that point be the whole point of this blog and it is, as one of my dearest friends from the 90s would say, ‘deeper than deep’…… and eureka, that is also the point.

For eons, diving this deeply has been a point of apparent no return – it is infinite, it is universal, it is like exploring the ethers forever as the energy we are, yet it is the human that has the ‘need’ to ‘know’ when the soul energy already knows.

The bigger question would be why humans question from the place of doubt in the first place?

Why would having said answer actually change the outcome of what is already destined anyway?

While free will is always an option, the reality is what is meant for us to experience from the initial call of what we called in won’t ever leave us, rather it is carried over time and time again over the lifetimes until it is experienced.  Perhaps it comes in a different package or form, or unexpectedly in a way we could not have fathomed, yet it is there.

It is there much like the leaves on said trees that fall away and grow back again, fall away and get blown away by human leaf blowers or the wind.  Yet, the leaves keep returning in one form or another as a green new experience or a dead brown one resurfacing on our driveway of life to revisit.  Yet no matter how much we try to blow it away, it will return until we’ve dealt with it.

This is something humans often miss or choose to not want to understand or see.  

Did you know THAT IS FOR PURPOSE as well?  

The Universe is funny that way, even when we believe it is not amusing at the time dead leaves show up – but again, that is also another ‘point.’ 

Sometimes we are actually being asked “Are you sure?”

It’s like when you rake leaves, then a gust of wind comes and returns them to the same spot again.

The human default would be “Ugh, I have to do this again.”

But the reality is “Wow, I get to do this again.”

We call this ‘course correction.’   That tiny perception shift can actually change the course revisiting something – because perhaps we missed something, or hastily dismissed something, or left remnant energy there when a decision was made from a reactive emotional place rather than a calm, Zen-like assured place.  

Sometimes the leaves return for final closure as well, or sometimes they just show up to make sure that we’ve actually let something go.  In other words the human believed there was finality, but didn’t heal properly from said situation, so the leaf blows back again to get things cleared with assuredness and proper intention.

If you are having an ‘ah-ha’ moment right now, the Universe is actually laughing at you in amusement because you thought when you started reading this - that this was just a dumb blog about leaf blowers, when in fact it is about linking to the whole point of life.

This is why I was called upon by the Divine to blog – when initially, I didn’t believe there was a whole point to it, but like typical channeling I do, the Universe always has a plan, a purpose and dare I say ‘point’ to everything… even when I didn’t think there was a point.  

The Universe laughs and says “Oh, dear child – the whole point will be shown in Divine Time – just do what we’re telling you and it will show up – as if by a miracle.  Here, suddenly, unexpectedly, the point itself will be known, even when you believe you don’t know what the point is in what we’re having you do.”

Funny and ironic.  Such is life.

I am being told that ‘the collective” is questioning life and life’s point.  You may think you’re on some hamster wheel to nowhere or pondering mortality or looking at the state of where our world is, unable to see the forest for the trees.  

However, that is also the point beyond the actual wake-up call or ‘awakening’ or realization of how one’s state of mind can also have a point to point you in an actual new direction away from said thinking to see things differently as well.

Sometimes life will bring you to the point to actually ask you to change your perception if you are unhappy with what it is you are thinking, feeling, doing or believing which may have to actually do with the number of dead leaves vs. alive ones and how you are navigating through your life’s clean-up, your issues, unfinished business, etc.

So for those of you needing the whole point of this, don’t forget that there is a point to everything in every moment, even when you can’t see what is happening, and that includes both the human and nature’s own leaf blower of life showing up in the wrong season.

Don’t get too attached to what is falling away, as it will return as needed if left unfinished, just as much as something new will grow in its place, like a new opportunity to literally grow in ways you didn’t expect.  Again – THAT is also the whole point of your life as well.

As you know from watching my videos when I channel, much of what comes is out of my control.  The Universe understands collective energy and so the point of all of this is to know that if you are experiencing something, there is a purpose and point, a reason and season under the heavens.

If you happen to stumble upon an unexpected leaf turning over, or headed your direction – don’t be surprised if it literally points you in the direction like a compass to the point of your own life.

Blessings to you, Lovely Souls.


Stacey Kumagai