If only...
How often have you pondered the “what ifs” in your life?
Do you believe that if things in your life had gone a
certain way that you would be in a different place?
How many times have you reflected like this wondering about
a better outcome and how has this affected your present list of regrets?
If you live only in regret, you cannot be present for what is happening NOW.
If you live only in regret, you cannot be present for what is happening NOW.
While thinking about this is very ‘human’ and very ‘normal’
– you probably have been told many times to “not look back” or to “not live in
the past” because you cannot change it.
This is true… However, what you CAN CHANGE is how you look
at your life in the future.
You do not need to be a victim or a martyr. You do not need to choose this way of being
or worse, living.
If you take a moment to sit back and examine the many ways
people have actually ‘found themselves’ through adversity, you will see that
everything that happens in your life can ultimately lead you to what you were
designed to do.
Talk to any inventor who created a convenience product and
you will find that usually they had a situation where they were in the process
of experiencing difficult or challenging and they created a product that solved
their very own problem.
Talk to anyone who has lost someone to a specific disease or
ailment and you will see that it directed them to their life’s work with a
Talk to anyone who experienced an accident or disaster and
discover they are fighting for the rights of others so they don’t have to go
through the same thing.
If you take this mindset toward every problem you encounter,
you will find there are ways where you can take your WouldaCouldaShouldas and
turn them into the possibility.
We are only limited by how we perceive every situation.
How many life lessons have given you confidence?
How many life lessons have given you an opportunity to make better choices today?
How many life lessons have given you confidence?
How many life lessons have given you an opportunity to make better choices today?
There are no ‘mistakes’ if we choose to use our experiences
as learning opportunities. If we learn
from our experiences, there is no regret as we become smarter and stronger from
whatever it is we go through.
Is there such a thing as poor decisions?
Sure, we’re human. We can have clouded judgment.
However, if we take a closer look at even our poorest
decisions, we will see that we might have had to go through hell and back as a
Sometimes we have to go through these experiences to ‘wake us up’ from taking more wrong turns or to turn over a new leaf or to change a course that wouldn’t have been changed without it. We are ultimately “creating” a chance for us to transform if we choose to step up to do it.
Sometimes we have to go through these experiences to ‘wake us up’ from taking more wrong turns or to turn over a new leaf or to change a course that wouldn’t have been changed without it. We are ultimately “creating” a chance for us to transform if we choose to step up to do it.
Every opportunity in life can challenge us to become a
better version of ourselves.
In turn, that experience has the opportunity to help us grow
into a better person through wisdom, strength and endurance or deeper
compassion and empathy.
So when you look back in your rear view mirror of life, what
do you see?
How have you changed as a result of your experiences?
Did you ever think “back then” that you would survive and be
on the other side of your greatest challenges?
While they say that we only end up regretting the chances we
did not take, we can rejoice in the fact that as each new day begins, we have a
chance to change that fact going forward.
We need not waste our time kicking ourselves for what we
didn’t do, because that is destructive.
Also, we must remember that even if we believe that doing something different, would have produced a certain outcome, we have to remember that sometimes timing of everything is for reasons we still do not know.
Only people who are living in the past can harbor feelings of resentment.
With that said, do you wish to live a life today full of resentment because of your regrets?
Can you actually call that living?
Also, we must remember that even if we believe that doing something different, would have produced a certain outcome, we have to remember that sometimes timing of everything is for reasons we still do not know.
Only people who are living in the past can harbor feelings of resentment.
With that said, do you wish to live a life today full of resentment because of your regrets?
Can you actually call that living?
Instead, we could use the time constructively to reflect in
order to choose how we live from here on out.
Our 20/20 vision examining the reflection of our experiences
from the past may reveal that at the time we were not in a position to choose
an alternative way to approach any experience.
It is possible that perhaps we did not have the tools at the
time to have made a different choice with the precision we would have made it
We can then see how progress and growth from that time
period to present day to put ourselves in a position to make peace with our
past so we can move forward and ahead with more clarity.
Finding clarity gives us the chance to see that everything
we have experienced up until now has ultimately shaped us to who we are
today. Without this clarity or shaping,
we could not possibly be equipped to handle what is in front of us and ahead of
Experience provides value.
Value provides wisdom
Wisdom is empowering and it provides strength.
Strength shows us what we’re made of.